Ohio's new boom is in BRINE production: Anadarko production report 2012 for 2 Ohio wells = 27,000 bbl brine and 0 bbl gas obtained from http://oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/well-information/oil-gas-well-database
Anadarko E&P Onshore, LLC Coshocton County, OH Production Year: 2012 66 days of production 641 bbl of oil no gas 22,159 bbls of brine == Anadarko E&P Onshore, LLC Noble County, OH Production Year: 2012 35 days of production 2970 bbl of oil no gas 4812 bbls of brine 2012 production figures as reported by the companies to ODNR (on ODNR's website) Due March 15th, 2013. These companies (and others) are NOT on ODNR website (More numbers *not available* than available): Chesapeake Antero Gulfport (Harrison and Belmont Counties) REPORT BELOW can also be viewed on DOCS.com at https://docs.com/SCXN |