Why? Listen to 30-second reasons by Youngstown residents:
Notice of Youngstown Ohio, Election
Concerning Proposed Charter Amendment Which Would Add Community Bill of Rights to City Home Rule Charter: On Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 2014, the following question regarding the amending of the Youngstown Home Rule Charter shall be presented to the electors of the City: “Shall the Youngstown Home Rule Charter be amended to add a Community Bill of Rights which protects those rights by prohibiting natural gas extraction using hydraulic fracturing, bans the establishment of infrastructures supporting gas production, and bans the storage, transportation or depositing of gas drilling waste products within the City of Youngstown, Mill Creek MetroParks and the protected drinking watershed of the Meander Reservoir? “
VIEW the ballot here as a PDF VIEW the Community Bill of Rights as a PDF as signed by 2800 Youngstown City residents in the successful petition to place it on the primary ballot. VIEW the ballot here PAGE 1 PAGE 2 as large JPG images A "YES" vote indicates approval by the voter and a majority of "YES" votes will cause the proposed amendment to be included as part of the Youngstown Home Rule Charter. A "NO" vote indicates disapproval by the voter and a majority of "NO" votes will cause the proposed amendment to be rejected and the Youngstown Home Rule charter would remain unchanged. Youngstown city residents voting "YES" on this May 7, 2013, primary ballot issue question would indicate an assertion of the right of residents of the City to local self-government, to pure water, clean air, peaceful enjoyment of home, freedom from toxic trespass, local self-governing rights and the right of residents to establish energy policies for future sustainability. READ MORE & UPDATES: http://www.protectyoungstown.org/ |