“From: Nickel, Pete
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 12: 10 PM
“…The mud pumps were brought on line at 20 spm and then up to 40 spm (2 and 4 bpm) to fill the casing. Pressure was reading 0 psi.
Approximately 5-6 bbl was pumped with pressure reading 0 psi when the 20" casing failed causing an ~4' vertical split in the casing at GL. When the 20" split, it impacted the 30" conductor outside of it and put a horizontal crack in a weld ~10" long.
20",94#, J-55 casing is rated to 2110 psi burst, so it would be assumed that the pressure was higher than 2110 psi, although we have no record of the actual pressure because it was determined after the failure that the pressure transducer for mud pump 2 was not functioning.
John Fleming was on site and inspected the split casing.
The plan going forward, with ODNR approval, we will bring Weatherford Wireline out to run a 3 arm caliper and a CBL to evaluate
10/ 15/2012
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the condition of the 20" and the cement. John Fleming will be contacted to witness the job in 6-8 hrs when Weatherford is expected. Once the caliper and bond log are run, we will evaluate and discuss with ODNR to come up with a plan going forward.
Pictures of casing attached.
Pete Nickel
Horizontal Rig Manager--CPA Ops “ […]
Critics say that “fracking” – pumping water and chemicals into the ground to release oil and gas – is a risky business that can cause water contamination. But cash-strapped cities like Youngstown, Ohio, are contemplating selling mineral rights to allow energy companies to drill and frack. NBC’s Phil LeBeau reports.
"That this ORDINANCE is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, welfare and safety, the emergency being the necessity to authorize the Board of Control to seek competitive proposals and enter into a contract to lease city-owned land for oil and gas extraction..."
"All monies received from this activity will be used to fund economic development, demolition, and neighborhood improvement projects..." Read first page of ordinance HERE |
"A RESOLUTION calling for stringent regulation by the state of Ohio on oil and natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing" "... so long as the [ODNR] respect local concerns by protecting the Citizens of Youngstown through stringent and effective regulation, and immediately respond to any and all inquiries from City of Youngstown governmental officials." Read first page of resolution HERE.