The plot line of the lateral of new fracking well; ID#34155240640000 - 1Verticle stage, Trumbull County, Lordstown, Ohio, KIBLER(well lease name), by Halcon Operating Company, Inc. 41.17622691, -80.812463 Well pad located ON a stream, at edge of Westwood Lake Mobile Home Park, 302 Edgewater Pines Drive Southwest, Warren, OH 44481 Monitor for updates to this wells' wellcard here:
Up Close and Personal: My Mom's Backyard Has A Gas Drilling Rig
"1 percent chemicals my ass...Pheeeewwwweee stinks ..anyone feel free to call to check this out up close and personal... call 330 244-6683 if you want to view, document, check water,,,, Uniontown Ohio 44685..These people are associated with earthquake in Youngstown.... — at Back frign yard Uniontown Ohio..." photo and caption by Elliott Braybon, 2012.
This woman's son, Elliott, has an open invitation as follows: "Anyone feel free to call me to check this out up close and personal...I thought anti-frackers were nut jobs..but when the gas industry can do this in your 82-year-old mom's backyard, who is on oxygen - with NO buffer zone! our residential area, then 'Houston, we have a problem!!' Please call 330 244-6683 if you want to view, document, sample water & air. (Where are you Eco people on this one???)13100 Mogadore Ave NW, Uniontown, Ohio 44685, north of Rte. 619, Uniontown-Hartville Road.
The sign in Elliot's mom's yard reads, "WATCH FRACKING! DRIVE IN!" at 13100 Mogadore Ave. N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 -- photo and caption by Elliott Braybon, 2012.
The sign Elliott has created & placed in his mom's yard reads, "WATCH FRACKING! DRIVE IN!" at 13100 Mogadore Ave. N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685
pink dot is well; arrow is the horizontal directional well bore, heading south 1/10 mile
Keir well site in Sheshequin Twp. Bradford Co., Pennsylvania, around 8:00 pm Sept.17,2012.
Drilling at night on Bush Road, off North Rd., near residences, Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Carrizo is the gas company and Nabors is the drilling company. Near the road and can be seen easily. December 6, 2012.