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Frackfree America National Coalition,
based in Youngstown, Ohio News Release www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: December 28, 2016 Contact: Jane Spies, M.S.Ed.: Phone: 330-619-0730 or 234-201-8007 or e-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ “Remembering the Earthquakes”: Supporters of Frackfree America National Coalition, based in Youngstown, Ohio, will attend a prayer service conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin to commemorate the upcoming fifth anniversary of the now-famous December 31, 2011 Youngstown, Ohio, 4.0 magnitude earthquake linked to a fracking waste injection well. Concerned citizens will gather for the prayer on public property on Thursday, December 29, 2016, at 1:00 PM outside of the Coitsville Township Building at 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, Ohio. Youngstown, Ohio, December 28, 2016 – Supporters of Frackfree America National Coalition, (FANC) based in Youngstown, Ohio, will attend a prayer service conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin, of Defenders of the Earth Outreach Mission, to commemorate the upcoming fifth anniversary of the now-famous December 31, 2011 Youngstown, Ohio, 4.0 magnitude earthquake linked to a fracking waste injection well. Concerned citizens will gather for the prayer on public property on Thursday, December 29, 2016, at 1:00 PM outside of the Coitsville Township Building at 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, Ohio. A focus of the event will be raising public awareness of the need to legally stop a proposed Coitsville, Ohio injection well, another Vienna injection well that is now operating, and an injection well in Weathersfield/Niles that may reopen if the state does not stand their ground in their excellent decision to protect the public interest by suspending the injection well. Halting these wells, and others, must be done in the interest of protecting public health, safety, and the environment. The earthquake anniversary prayer comes at an especially appropriate moment in that, as mentioned above, Coitsville is facing the possible opening of an injection well. Furthermore, in an order dated December 23, 2016, a Franklin County Judge opened up the possibility of the restarting of a Weathersfield / Niles injection well that ODNR has already linked to man-made earthquakes. The state had wisely suspended operations at the injection well for over two years to protect the public health and safety of the community. According to a December 24, 2016 Vindicator article reporting the possible restarting of the Weathersfield injection well, “‘I’m a little shocked,’ said Gil Blair, an attorney and Weathersfield Township trustee, when informed of the decision by The Vindicator. ‘We just don’t need another earthquake. I’m troubled by the location in relation to the Meander Dam, downtown Niles, downtown Warren. I don’t think that’s the location to experiment with.’ “ [1] Frackfree America National Coalition (FANC) calls for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) to deny the Coitsville injection well permit and for the state of Ohio to stand its ground in the Weathersfield/ Niles injection well court case to keep the injection well closed. This must be done in order to protect Weathersfield/ Niles, especially since a federally listed high hazard dam is located about 2.73 miles from the injection well – much too close. FANC says our local community and surrounding areas have already experienced numerous fracking-related and injection well-related, man-made earthquakes. The risk of causing a large or damaging earthquake, or even smaller tremors, by allowing injection into an “area of known seismic activity" is far too great and is unacceptable. Therefore, to protect the public health and safety, the Weathersfield injection well must not reopen and the Coitsville proposed well must be stopped. FANC believes it is not a legitimate business activity when such operations endanger and put the community and public health and safety at such high, unacceptable risk of potentially large and damaging earthquakes. This is especially true considering that in the 1980s, geologist Ann Harris referred to northeastern Ohio as the “Eastern Disturbed Zone” due to all of the faults.[2] It must be stressed that another major concern is that there is also a federally listed “high hazard dam” only 2.73 miles away from the Weathersfield injection well. FANC believes it would be immoral, negligent, and reckless to allow this injection well to operate in light of the state’s science-based, legal argument to suspend operations there in the interest of protecting public health and safety. To read a FMV press release from August 11, 2016 that addresses issues with the Weathersfield / Niles, Ohio injection well in relation to the Meander Dam please see: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2016/08/three-fracking-waste-injection-wells-in.html To read a FMV press release from July 11, 2016 addressing the proposed injection well in Coitsville, Ohio see: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2016/07/prayer-service-rally-july-12-2016.html Also please see: “ODNR: No comment on injection well ruling; company filed other legal action,” Vindicator, by Ed Runyan, December 28, 2016 http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/dec/28/odnr-wont-comment-on-reopening-of-well/ All media are invited. For media inquiries or more information, please contact Frackfree America National Coalition at: www.frackfreeamerica.org 234-201- 8007 or e-mail: [email protected] -------------- [1] “Franklin County judge rules in favor of reopening Weathersfield injection well,” Vindicator, by Ed Runyan, December 24, 2016 http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/dec/24/weathersfield-twp-injection-well-gets-ju/ [2] Mike Costarella, “Who’s At Fault?” Vindy.com, March 13, 2012, http://www.vindy.com/weblogs/shale-sheet-fracking/2012/mar/13/whos-fault/ # # # Frackfree Mahoning Valley News Release
www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: August 11, 2016 Contact: Jane Spies: Phone: 330-619-0730 or 234-201-0402 or email: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to immediately halt three fracking waste injection well sites near family homes, a “high hazard” dam, an airport, businesses, or schools. FMV says the injection wells are too close to areas of known seismic activity where man-made earthquakes have already occurred. FMV will hold a press conference on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM Eastern time, in Youngstown, Ohio, on the public sidewalk in front of Youngstown, Ohio City Hall at Boardman and Phelps Streets. Geology Professor, Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, will speak about man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity) and fracking waste injection wells and answer any media questions. All media are invited to attend. This injection well site is way too near a family home and an airport in Vienna, Ohio. This site is too close to areas of known, man-made injection well–related and fracking earthquakes in the region. Frackfree Mahoning Valley is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to protect the public health and safety of the Vienna and surrounding communities by immediately halting plans to allow what FMV believes to be ultrahazardous, heavy industrial injection well operations in this community that already has experienced an injection well-related spill in 2015.[1] FMV says permitting injection at this site will increase the risk of induced seismicity. Earthquakes cannot be regulated, says FMV.Youngstown, Ohio, August 11, 2016 – Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Chief Simmers to immediately halt three local injection well sites in order to protect public health, safety, and well-being and to decrease the risk of more man-made earthquakes and risks to drinking water that can result from injection well operations.
FMV will hold a press conference on Friday, August 12, 2016 at 1:15 PM in front of Youngstown, Ohio City Hall on the public sidewalk at Boardman and Phelps streets. Geologist Ray Beiersdorfer, Ph.D., Professor of Geology at Youngstown State University, will speak about updated information regarding injection wells, fracking, and man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity). He will address any media questions. All media are invited to attend. Based upon scientific studies and past experience with the Youngstown magnitude 4.0 earthquake episode and other nearby induced seismicity, FMV believes that potentially damaging man-made earthquakes could occur if fluid waste injection proceeds at the three injection well sites since we are in an area of known seismic activity. Although Frackfree Mahoning Valley wants all waste injection to stop, the group’s current focus is on the following three northeastern Ohio injection well sites where injection could occur if permitted by ODNR Chief Simmers: Vienna, Ohio; Weathersfield/ Niles, Ohio; and Coitsville, Ohio. Especially concerning is the Weathersfield/Niles AWMS injection well site, as American Water Management Services (AWMS) has apparently appealed ODNR’s closing of the deeper well due to ODNR’s concerns about public health and safety of the local community. ODNR had stopped operations at the deeper of two wells there due to earthquakes that scientists linked to the deeper injection well.[2] This was the correct and moral decision by ODNR.[3] FMV is urging ODNR to stand their ground in court by upholding their correct and just decision and keep the AWMS well closed down to protect the public health and safety of the community and region. A shallower AWMS well is still permitted to operate, but is not operational at this time as far as FMV knows. FMV urges ODNR to close both wells due to an unacceptable level of seismic risk. There is a federally listed “high hazard” dam a few miles away (about 2.73 miles) from the AWMS injection well site that already has been linked to man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity). FMV says the injection well operation should remain closed, partly because more potential induced earthquakes could be an unacceptable risk to the dam. According to the Vindicator regarding Meander Dam, "The federal government lists the dam as ‘high hazard’ – not because of any flaws in the structure that undergoes daily safety inspections. It is so listed because of the likely massive loss of human life that could occur should it ever face a catastrophic collapse. “[4] FMV recently discovered an article linking to a study by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers that recommended, in relation to the Joe Pool Dam, in Texas, that injection be prevented within five miles of the dam. According to the “Memorandum for Record,” attached to the study contracted by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, “… As a result, USACE has adopted a 4,000 – foot exclusion zone at Joe Pool Dam within which no drilling will be allowed, regardless of depth. Additionally, in order to protect the project from induced seismicity, USACE will work to limit injection wells within five miles of the Joe Pool project. These recommendations are more conservative than the subject study recommends; however, they are considered necessary to ensure that public safety is not reduced as a result of minerals related activities at Joe Pool.” [5] FMV intends to attend a public informational meeting in Lowellville, Ohio next week to present their concerns in person to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers’ Pittsburgh District. In Vienna the well is very near a family home and way too close to the airport. ODNR’s suggestion that they will take action if seismic activity is detected by monitors is not good enough to protect the community. Any potential quakes must be prevented in the first place. Once the fault is destabilized, the harm cannot be undone. Does the current operation have lightning protection? Even if it does, it still must be stopped due to being located close to an area of known seismic activity. The Coitsville injection well is being plugged back presumably to be put into operation in the future. It is also too close to the Khalil injection well for which ODNR set a precedent by denying a permit to inject since it is too close to areas of known seismic activity, including the site of the New Year’s Eve 2011 magnitude 4.0 quake. A Frackfree Mahoning Valley July 11, 2016 news release contains many links to background information on the Coitsville and local injection well situations and can be found here: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2016/07/prayer-service-rally-july-12-2016.html FMV respectfully urges Governor Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to please review the latter link and this press release. The only effective solution to protect the public interest is to stop the injection operations at Vienna, Coitsville, and Weathersfield/Niles. FMV urges ODNR to: deny the injection permit for the Vienna well owned by the Oklahoma company, or revoke it if it is already issued; revoke the Coitsville injection well permit; and we hope ODNR stands their ground and continues to do the right thing by refusing the permit to inject at the Weathersfield/Niles AWMS site. It is the right thing to do. There is no good solution to the problem of the constant creation of millions of gallons of waste fluid. Where will it all go? Ohio, or any area, cannot be used as a dumping ground for fracking waste or any kind of waste. We are not a sacrifice zone. The public health, safety, and well-being must be protected. Thank you to Teresa Mills of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) for her research and concepts used in this release. For more information, please see: Frackfree Mahoning Valley: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ For media inquiries or more information, please contact Frackfree Mahoning Valley at: 234-201-0402 or e-mail: [email protected] Notes: [1] Photographs of the 2015 Vienna, Ohio spill and links to news reports and information can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMahoningValley/photos/?tab=album&album_id=870184209695183 [2] Ed Runyan, “Study says Weathersfield earthquake and injection well are linked,” The Vindicator, February 17, 2015, http://www.vindy.com/news/2015/feb/17/new-study-links-well-near-niles-to-quake/ ; Also see: Aaron Marshall, “Youngstown earthquakes raise issues on oilfield wastes from shale exploration,” The Plain Dealer, updated January 16, 2012, http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2012/01/earthquake_raises_issues_on_oi.html [3] PDF uploaded document: “Before the Oil & Gas Commission,” American Water Management Services, LLC vs Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management; Appeal Nos. 889 & 890, Review of Chief’s Orders 2014-372 & 2014 – 374 (AWMS #2 Well); FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER OF THE COMMISSION, Date Issued: August 12, 2015: www.tribtoday.com/pdf/news/641710_1.pdf [4] “Meander Dam safety must trump windfalls for cities,” The Vindicator, Vindy.com, April 13, 2016: http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/apr/13/meander-dam-safety-must-trump-windfalls-/ [5] Christian McPhate, “Corps of Engineers Wants Gas Drillers to Move Farther Away from Joe Pool Dam,” March 17, 2016, Dallas Observer: http://www.dallasobserver.com/news/corps-of-engineers-wants-gas-drillers-to-move-farther-away-from-joe-pool-dam-8129785 The quoted passage is from the study referenced in the latter article, page one,” Memorandum for Record,” stamped 17 Feb 2016 by Calvin C. Hudson II, Colonel, EN Commanding : http://www.swf.usace.army.mil/Portals/47/docs/pao/JoePoolDrillingStudy_14Mar16_PublicRelease_Secured.pdf # # # Also see album: https://www.facebook.com/ProtectMahoningValley/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1124017527645182 Frackfree Mahoning Valley News Release
www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: July 11, 2016 Contact: Jane Spies: phone: 330-619-0730 or 234-201-0402 or e-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV), an anti-fracking group whose members live in an area that experienced man-made earthquakes in northeastern Ohio, will participate in a prayer service/vigil conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin and hold an informational rally on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 12 noon to 1 PM, just west of 4555 McCartney Road, Coitsville, Ohio, 44436, near an injection well site. The public and media are invited to attend. FMV will demand that the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) release details of the 30-foot “geyser” and industrial activity seen at an injection well site that had experienced a 2011 spill. The group wants transparency and a public ODNR meeting, preferably televised, to be held locally. FMV says: We have a right to protect our communities. FMV will call for a halt to injection wells in Coitsville, Ohio, Niles/Weathersfield, Vienna, Ohio, and others due to injection wells being a danger to public health, safety, and well-being, especially those located in populated residential areas. Youngstown, Ohio, July 11, 2016 – On June 24, 2016, a rig and 30-foot “geyser” were witnessed at a Coitsville, Ohio injection well site, the Collins #6 well. Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) says the possibility that this Collins injection well may become operational again is especially concerning considering that there was a previous spill at this site in 2011, and a nearby Khalil #3 injection well was not permitted to operate by ODNR since it was too near an area of known seismic activity. The Collins #6 injection site is only 7.2 miles from the site of the Northstar #1 injection well that experienced the now-famous magnitude 4.0 Youngstown earthquake linked to toxic fracking waste injection.
The Collins #6 well is only 2.97 miles from the Khalil well and only 5.3 miles away from the site of the Poland Township, Ohio, earthquakes linked to fracking, according to calculations by Teresa Mills of The Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ - www.chej.org ). Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) believes we are in an area that is prone to man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity), as evidenced by past experience and scientific studies or reports. The group is calling for a halt to injection operations as we are located in an area of known seismic activity, and waste injection is a risk to protecting public health, safety, and well-being. Members of FMV learned that as of July 6, 2016, Coitsville trustees had not yet heard from ODNR regarding the trustees’ reasonable request for a meeting with ODNR to discuss ODNR’s plans for the injection well.[1] Why didn’t ODNR immediately respond to trustees and agree to set up a meeting to inform the trustees and the public of their plans for the Coitsville, Ohio injection well site and to tell them what exactly happened on June 24, 2016 that apparently caused what looked like a geyser? The public has a right to know what is going on in their own neighborhoods and to keep themselves and their drinking water, air, and land safe, yet it appears as though ODNR is not being upfront and responding to the trustees or the public in a timely or effective manner. FMV says that is unacceptable and a serious lack of transparency by ODNR. To raise awareness of ODNR’s unacceptable lack of responsiveness to the local community and to raise questions about the Coitsville injection well site and other injection sites in the area, Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV), a local anti-fracking group whose members live in an area that has experienced man-made earthquakes linked to both injection wells and fracking, will rally and attend a sermon and prayer vigil conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin of Defenders of the Earth Outreach Mission (www.facebook.com/DefendersOfTheEarthOutreachMission/ ) on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 12 noon to 1 PM, just west of 4555 McCartney Road, Coitsville, Ohio, 44436, near an injection well site. The public and media are invited to attend. The group wants to raise awareness and to request a public ODNR meeting, preferably televised, where ODNR can release details of the 30-foot “geyser” and industrial activity seen at an injection well site that had experienced a 2011 drilling mud spill when it was under the ownership of D & L.[2] Concerned citizens have many questions that they want ODNR to immediately answer such as: From where did the geyser originate and why? Was this a blow-out? What was in the “geyser” fluid seen near the drilling rig?” Where is the official ODNR report? Is this well being permanently plugged and closed, or is the well being “plugged back” with the plan to use it for injection of waste in the near future? Did ODNR follow correct legal procedures in transferring a permanently revoked permit from the previous owner to a new company? How can ODNR transfer a permanently revoked permit? Who is the new owner and do they have any previous violations in Ohio or any other states? Why is the sign on the well apparently in a place where the public cannot easily read it in case of an emergency? It is not clear whether the Coitsville injection well in question is being permanently plugged never to be operated again, or just “plugged back.” If there are plans to plug back the Coitsville injection well to a shallower depth than the Precambrian, and start operations again, FMV says they do not believe that will work to prevent potential man-made earthquakes. Plugging back into the Mt. Simon formation won’t work since cement shrinks or can fail,[3] and there is another example of a nearby well that was shut down after scientists linked it to man-made earthquakes. That well, at the AWMS Weathersfield/Niles, Ohio site, was not drilled into the Precambrian since ODNR regulators were supposed to have learned not to do that after the magnitude 4.0 Northstar # 1 Youngstown injection well quake that occurred on December 31, 2011.[4] Numerous small earthquakes happened anyway at the Weathersfield/Niles injection well site, even though the well was drilled into the Mt. Simon and the lessons that were said to have been learned by regulators did not stop man-made earthquakes.[5] Why would regulators think, if they indeed do think so, that plugging the Coitsville, Ohio injection well back to the same formation as that in Weathersfield/Niles would prevent earthquakes? It makes no common sense. Amazingly, the Weathersfield/Niles injection well case is currently in the courts with an appeal possible of the Oil and Gas Commission’s correct decision to shut down the deeper injection well due to earthquakes.[6] We urge the Oil and Gas Commission and ODNR to stand by their original correct decision to halt the earthquake-linked injection well. We believe the nearby shallower well should also be closed. In light of the history of the local region, there is good reason for the local community and surrounding regions or states to be concerned. FMV says it is common sense that you can’t have injection wells in populated residential areas, or anywhere, in their opinion. This is because injection wells can be subject to lightning-related explosions and fires, [7] man-made earthquakes, toxic waste spills, air emissions, drinking water risks,[8] and damaged roads from increased truck traffic. Furthermore, Coitsville, Ohio is part of a region that has already experienced toxic fracking waste or injection well-related fiascos including: --Intentional dumping of fracking waste that got into the Mahoning River -- In Vienna, Ohio, a release of fluid near an injection well operation destroyed two wetlands and killed fish, turtles, and small mammals. As reported in the WKBN news story, one Vienna resident said regarding her water source: “It is my only source of water, drinking water, food source, bathing water. And if that is contaminated, I don’t know what we are going to do….” [9] We still do not have an official ODNR or OEPA final report on what exactly happened there. -- A five-mile long “brine spill” in Fowler.[10] We still do not know exactly what was in the so-called “brine.” -- “Brine” truck accidents including in Brookfield and Vienna, Ohio[11] -- Multiple induced earthquakes linked to injection wells and hydraulic fracturing (fracking).[12] As time goes forward from the New Year’s Eve Youngstown, Ohio, magnitude 4.0 induced quake linked to the Northstar # 1 injection well, we are getting more earthquakes despite regulators suggesting that they have it all under control – apparently they do not. Now there have been quakes, not just at the one Northstar #1 Youngstown, Ohio magnitude 4.0 site, but since then, three or possibly four more man-made earthquake sites regionally including Weathersfield/Niles (injection well); Poland Township, Ohio ( fracking related); Harrison County, Ohio (fracking related); and Pennsylvania quakes of April, 2016 studied by scientists as possibly fracking-related.[13] Previous quakes near our region include Marietta, Ohio – that occurred between 2010 and 2012 – in the Wayne National Forest area - Long Run Well [14] ( injection related); Ashtabula, Ohio – (injection related)[15] ; and Painesville, Ohio (suspected injection-related). See a paper referencing the Painesville earthquakes by seismologist Art McGarr who wrote: “There have been additional case histories of induced earthquakes attributed to wastewater injection in northeastern Ohio since 1988 at Ashtabula [Seeber et al, 2004] and Youngstown [Kim, 2013]. The Ashtabula case history has several features that tend to support the case that the Painesville earthquakes were induced. As will be described below, the larger Ashtabula event occurred 15 years after the start of injection and about 7 km from the injection well considered to have induced this earthquake [Seeber et al, 2004]).” (Also see A. McGarr’s discussion of findings of Keranen et al on the same page). [16] Clearly, our region is not suitable for injection wells based upon its history of man-made earthquakes as described above. FMV believes that ODNR’s continued permitting of injection of waste is a path to more earthquakes with no assurance that the potential quakes will stay small or infrequent. It is not known how large they might get. For example, Oklahoma had a magnitude 5.7 quake that scientists linked to injection. The question remains regarding what are the effects of even small, repeated tremors upon infrastructure. Induced seismicity and all that that entails is not good for our local tourism, private property values, private property rights, or our public health, safety, and well-being. We do not want more earthquakes, yet, based upon scientific findings, FMV believes that continued waste fluid injection in our region is reckless and puts our area at risk of more induced seismicity. Earthquakes cannot be regulated, and any attempt to do so is foolish and risky, especially in light of statements made by various scientists about seismicity in northeastern Ohio. For example, Michael C. Hansen wrote: “On the basis of historic seismic activity, it is likely that large earthquakes with epicenters in the state would occur in the western Ohio seismic zone or in northeastern Ohio; there is a lesser possibility of a large earthquake in southeastern Ohio. Some researchers have suggested that northeastern Ohio is capable of a maximum magnitude 6.5 earthquake, whereas western Ohio may be capable of producing an event in the 6 to 7 magnitude range (maximum MMI of IX). These suggestions are speculations at best, because there are inadequate data to accurately judge the extent of the area available for rupture on any earthquake – generating fault.”[17] Jeffrey L. Fox wrote in his 2004 thesis about Ashtabula, Ohio earthquakes with Hansen as advisor (p.11): “On January 20, 2001, a small (2.0 mbLg) foreshock was followed by a 4.5 mbLg mainshock on January 26. This event resulted in about 50 reports of minor-to-moderate damage in Ashtabula, including breakage of two natural gas lines.” [18] Fox also wrote in the same thesis: “More research is needed to investigate the role of fluids in fault zones, and care should be taken in choosing sites for waste-fluid injection. […] Although most earthquakes resulting from induced mechanisms are relatively small in magnitude, a few large ones have been recorded around M 5.5 (Nicholson & Wesson, 1990). It may only be a matter of time before another earthquake of this magnitude occurs due to fluid injection. As many fluid injection wells are located in or near large cities, an earthquake of such large magnitude could be devastating.” [19] Further support for the idea that our area is not suitable for injection comes from a Vindicator article by Mike Costarella who cited a 1986 Vindicator article written by “retired YSU geologist, Ann Harris.” In the following passage, Costarella quoted Harris: “‘In the 1980’s, new studies of Ohio revealed that the structure of Precambrian bedrock is very complicated. These studies have revealed that there is a series of faults in Northeastern Ohio […] This section of Ohio is known as the Eastern Disturbed Zone.’ ”[20] FMV believes permitting and operating injection wells is gambling with the public health and safety since regulators and scientists have said they do not know where all of the faults are. Many are unmapped. For instance, the “Findings, Conclusions and Order of the [Oil & Gas] Commission” that ruled on the AWMS injection well said with regard to seismicity, geophysics, and injection operations that “… to a certain extent both the industry and the Division are ‘working with their eyes closed.’ “ [p. 12, 8/12/15] [21] Will Drabold, writing for the Columbus Dispatch, quoted geologist Mark Baranoski : “ ‘We know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the basement in Ohio,’ he said.”[22] Obviously, ODNR’s and other states’ attempts to stop induced earthquakes by increasing seismic monitoring or a “traffic light” system is not working adequately since induced earthquakes are still occurring. To people, usually industry-related persons, who say man-made earthquakes are rare, that doesn’t appear to be the case in our region. We also have reason to believe that is a false statement for many other locations, including in Oklahoma. It is immoral and reckless to continue permitting injection when it is well-known that the location of many faults is unknown. We believe it is experimenting with communities who were not asked and were not fully informed before operations took place. Cost/benefit and public health and safety analyses would show that injection well operations are not legitimate business activities as they are too risky to public health, safety, and well-being. Spills and releases can threaten drinking water. Permitting injection well operations near dams and practically in the backyard of a family home and airport in Vienna, Ohio, is reckless and immoral, and should officially be declared illegal. An injection well operation is also near homes, a busy highway, and a small airport in North Lima, Ohio. If the Coitsville injection well is started up again, it will be near small businesses in Coitsville as well as homes. These injection wells are a cost to communities, not a benefit. That cost can include risks to health and safety, earthquakes, and risks to private property and tourism. The only ones who make any money from injection wells is ODNR and a relatively few injection well operators. This is wrong. ODNR set a precedent by denying the Khalil well an injection permit based upon their finding that “the Khalil #3 saltwater injection well is located in close proximity to an area of known seismic activity.” [23] This Coitsville Collins #6 well is only 2.97 miles from the Khalil well and only 7.2 miles from the Northstar #1 injection well, which scientists say experienced hundreds of tremors, including the widely studied, magnitude 4.0 earthquake of December 31, 2011 that was felt in several surrounding states and as far away as Canada. The Collins injection well is also only 5.3 miles from the Poland Township man-made earthquake site, which is very close to a new earthquake site in Pennsylvania that is suspected of being linked to fracking. We believe that this places any Coitsville injection well in an area of known seismic activity. According to the Pittsburgh Post –Gazette regarding those recent, possibly fracking-related Pennsylvania quakes, “In the meantime, academic researchers have identified as many as a couple of hundred tiny tremors that preceded the five detectable quakes, which were themselves too small to be felt by humans. The pattern mirrors similar so-called microseismic events that were used to diagnose fracking-related earthquakes just across the border in Ohio.” [24] In summary, here are the distances between the Collins #6 well site and other induced seismicity sites and a map as determined by Teresa Mills of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) : Collins to Khalil is 2.97 miles Collins to Weathersfield is 13.5 miles Collins to Northstar #1 7.2 miles Collins to Poland township earthquake site is 5.3 miles Map: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/uploads/1/2/4/0/12404661/injectionwells-mahoning-trumbull-counties-quakes_orig.jpg?443 Obviously, these wells are very close to each other. The Khalil well that was denied an injection permit as described above is less than 3 miles away from Collins # 6 in Coitsville, for example. A scientific paper raises a good question that may apply to our local situation. “How close is close?” According to the article, “Another new study, published this week in Science Advances, found that Oklahoma's earthquake activity has increased in areas where disposal rates have sky rocketed. However, it raises questions about the benefits of reducing the injection rates at individual wells. ‘A number of wells injecting right next to each other could have the same effect as one well injecting their combined volume,’ says Rall Walsh, a Ph.D. student in geophysics at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and the lead author of the study. For neighboring wells, he says, the question is, ‘how close is close?’ “[25] For people who claim that injection well earthquakes are rare, FMV says they apparently are not rare here in the “Eastern Disturbed Zone.” The probability of one large, damaging quake occurring may be rare, but the potential damage that one quake could cause should be avoided by stopping injection. It’s appalling that ODNR would think that injection can be done safely here. Regulators need to stop pretending that they can control earthquakes via seismic monitoring. Some regulators need to stop promoting the idea that an earthquake traffic light system can effectively protect the public health and safety. Such a system is not working to stop earthquakes linked to injection in Oklahoma, and it won’t work here. Furthermore, who will be left with the costs as injection well companies go bankrupt, go out of business, or just pack up and leave? The taxpayers will. We don’t want this and can’t afford it. We are not expendable – no one is. The unsolvable problem of the creation of unprecedented massive amounts of fracking waste with no good safe solution for handling it cannot be ignored. One cannot logically be for fracking but against fracking waste. The two go together. The creation of fracking waste with no good solution for its safe “disposal” is a large factor in assessing the feasibility of large scale fracking and is one reason why FMV says that fracking cannot be done safely, or even fairly, with the technology as it stands today. In closing, we cite a KMUW (Wichita, Kansas) radio report interview of USGS geophysicist Justin Rubinstein. In FMV’s opinion, this passage shows , in part, why injection should not take place in the first place, since it is unknown whether or when earthquakes will stop if injection is halted. According to the report: “One last thing I want to ask is the long-term effect. Even if this wastewater injection stops, can there be lingering issues? There’s no clear answer, is the short answer. In some areas where we’ve seen termination of injection, we’ve seen the seismicity disappear within weeks. In other areas, the seismicity has lasted for years. And really, the classic case of injection-induced seismicity [is] at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal outside of Denver, earthquakes persisted for over a decade after injection terminated. And in fact, the largest earthquake to occur, which was a magnitude 4.9 there, happened a year after injection stopped. So, just stopping injection isn’t a quick-fix solution. Most of the time, it really does appear to dramatically reduce earthquake rates. But it doesn’t always fix the problem immediately.”[26] According to an article in Scientific American: “Even if Oklahoma shut down all its wells today, many experts say the quakes would continue. ‘We’re trying to calculate how much energy is in the system right now and how long it may continue on—and at the current earthquake rate the numbers are very big,’ says Daniel McNamara, a seismologist at the USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center in Golden, Colo. Pressed for details, he paused. Then he added: ‘It’s hundreds of years.’ "[27] It is obvious that induced earthquakes are nothing to toy with, especially when there are great risks to public health and safety. According to scientist Won -Young Kim: “Although we do not know the WSW-ENE extent of the fault(s) in the Youngstown area, it is possible that continued injection of fluid at Northstar 1 well could have triggered potentially large and damaging earthquakes.”[28] A very moving, informative news report from Oklahoma tells the story of Jackie Dill whose home suffered extensive damage due to man-made earthquakes. According to the news report quoting Jackie: “’I'm really fighting the tears because I've done a lot of crying trying to figure out, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? And if there's me, there's so many other people. It's not just me, it's not just my story, it's thousands of stories,’ Dill says. ‘It's our homes, it's where we live, it's my heart and it's ripping it apart, that's what it's doing.’”[29] It is unfair to make certain individuals or communities bear the costs and risks of induced seismicity. There is no economic or social benefit to them. There are only costs, and it is too high a price for communities or individuals to pay. Could additional serious damage occur if Ohio keeps allowing the injection of massive amounts of waste fluids? What protects the property rights of the people living nearby and in the surrounding communities that would be impacted if an earthquake or water contamination occurred? Who will pay if there is earthquake damage to property or injuries? The amount of waste being produced by the oil and gas industry is unprecedented; therefore, many questions remain regarding its safe handling or “disposal.” There are too many unknowns and disturbing “knowns.” We believe fracking waste injection is abnormally dangerous or an ultrahazardous activity, especially as it is being permitted in inappropriate places such as near homes, farms, or small businesses. Industry and “regulators” know, or should know, the well-established science and possible consequences of induced seismicity, yet some of them seem to think they can permit or operate injection wells without regard, or with little regard, for public health and safety implications. For some industry people who might say that the U.S. EPA has given high marks to Ohio’s Class II Underground Injection Control (UIC) program, FMV counters that the EPA has recently been criticized in a February, 2016 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report for not doing enough to protect water from injection well waste. According to an April 12, 2016 article in USA Today by Ian James of The Desert Sun, “The EPA has not consistently carried out oversight of programs that regulate injection wells where oil and natural gas companies send streams of wastewater into the ground, and therefore is unable to properly assess whether sources of drinking water are being protected across the country, the Government Accountability Office said in a report to members of Congress. “ [30] This GAO report might make some people question EPA’s positive assessment of Ohio’s injection well program. We emphasize that we don’t want just a decrease in the number or severity of induced earthquakes. We want to prevent and stop them. To us, that means stopping injection, especially before any unknown faults are destabilized by fluid injection. If so-called “regulators” cannot control induced earthquakes with certainty, and they cannot with the current state-of-the-art knowledge, they have no business permitting injection wells in the first place, especially in highly populated, residential areas near family homes, schools, farms, parks or forests. The risks to public health, safety, and well-being are too high to accept. People living anywhere are not expendable. If we act proactively, we have a chance to prevent an unacceptable increase in man-made earthquakes and to protect our drinking water sources and the public health, safety, and well-being. It is clear that there must be no injection permitted at Collins #6 and Vienna, Ohio. We ask you, ODNR Chief Simmers, to follow your own reasoning, as you did in the Khalil well and AWMS Weathersfield/Niles well situations, and deny the permits. Denying the permits is the right and moral thing to do to protect the public interest. The Facebook event page for the prayer service/vigil and informational rally is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/135847816841429/?active_tab=posts Thank you to Teresa Mills of CHEJ for her research and concepts used in this report. For media inquiries or for more information: e-mail Frackfree Mahoning Valley at [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Notes [1] “Coitsville trustees seek meeting with ODNR on township injection wells,” The Vindicator, June 28, 2016, http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/jun/28/coitsville-trustees-seek-meeting-odnr-township-inj/ [2] Karl Henkel, “D&L faced violations in its past But state reports fewer problems at its well sites in recent years,” The Vindicator, January 2, 2012, http://www.vindy.com/news/2012/jan/02/by-karl-henkel/ [3] Kristine Uhlman and Dick McCracken, 1994, “Abandoned Brine Solution Mining Wells at a RCRA Facility: Compliance Concerns, Conference Proceeding, Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues, NGWA-Burlington, Vermont. [4] Ed Runyan, “Study says Weathersfield earthquake and injection well are linked,” The Vindicator, February 17, 2015, http://www.vindy.com/news/2015/feb/17/new-study-links-well-near-niles-to-quake/ ; Also see: Aaron Marshall, “Youngstown earthquakes raise issues on oilfield wastes from shale exploration,” The Plain Dealer, updated January 16, 2012, http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2012/01/earthquake_raises_issues_on_oi.html [5] Robert J. Skoumal, Michael R. Brudzinski, and Brian S. Currie, “Microseismicity Induced by Deep Wastewater Injection in Southern Trumbull County, Ohio,” Seismological Research Letters, Volume 86, Number 5 September/October 2015, http://srl.geoscienceworld.org/content/86/5/1326 [6] “Owner can appeal injection well shut down since Weathersfield earthquake,” WFMJ TV, June 21, 2016, updated June 26, 2016, http://www.wfmj.com/story/32274028/owner-can-appeal-injection-well-shut-down-since-weathersfield-earthquake [7] Includes news video: “Wastewater storage tank goes up in flames near Greeley,” Fox 31 Denver, April 17, 2015, http://kdvr.com/2015/04/17/report-lightning-strike-sparks-oil-tank-fire-near-greeley-airport/ Also see: “Fracking Wastewater Tank Explosion: Concerns Over Contaminated Water Reaching Farms,” CBS Denver 4, April 18, 2015, http://denver.cbslocal.com/2015/04/18/fracking-wastewater-tank-explosion-concerns-over-contaminated-water-reaching-farms/#.VTO4G08eDgA.twitter ; Also see: presentation by Roxanne Groff starting at minute 27:24 to 41:42, “Ohio Injection Wells for O&G Wastewater,” published July 28, 2015, CinePlex Rex, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFHZC2mfsRs The entire video is very enlightening. [8] [GAO Report:] “Drinking Water: Safeguards Are Not Preventing Contamination From Injected Oil and Gas Wastes RCED-89-97, Jul 5, 1989” http://www.gao.gov/products/RCED-89-97 [9] Derrick Lewis, “Hundreds attend public meeting on Vienna oil spill,” 4/5/15, WKBN TV 27: http://wkbn.com/2015/04/05/public-meeting-set-in-vienna-to-discuss-chemical-spill/ ; Also see: Shalefield Stories: A project of Friends of the Harmed, “Julie Barr: Location: Trumbull County, OH,” http://www.shalefieldstories.org/julie-barr.html [10] Video: “Weekend brine water spill reported in Fowler,” WKBN TV report cited on Ohio Citizen Action, July 12, 2012, http://ohiocitizen.org/weekend-brine-water-spill-reported-in-fowler/ [11] “Three vehicle crash in Vienna Township,” August 1, 2013, Updated, August 11, 2013, WFMJ – TV http://www.wfmj.com/story/23009955/three-vehicle-injury-crash-in ; See also: “Semi rolls over in Brookfield,” WKBN TV 27, October 6, 2014, http://wkbn.com/2014/10/06/semi-rolls-over-in-brookfield/ [12] The following compendium has excellent links to studies and articles, including links related to Ohio induced earthquakes. Especially see pages 81-95 for induced seismicity information: Concerned Health Professionals of New York & Physicians for Social Responsibility. (2015, October 14). Compendium of scientific, medical, and media findings demonstrating risks and harms of fracking (unconventional gas and oil extraction) (3rd ed.). http://concernedhealthny.org/compendium/ [13] Laura Legere, “State studying link between fracking, Lawrence County earthquakes,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 29, 2016, http://powersource.post-gazette.com/powersource/companies/2016/04/29/State-studying-link-between-fracking-and-Lawrence-County-earthquakes/stories/201604290099 [14] To see a reference to a professional engineer’s remarks about the Long Run injection well, near Marietta, Ohio, that may be linked to induced earthquakes, see page 9, paragraph 29, of the following document: PDF uploaded document: “Before the Oil & Gas Commission,” American Water Management Services, LLC vs Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management; Appeal Nos. 889 & 890, Review of Chief’s Orders 2014-372 & 2014 – 374 (AWMS #2 Well); FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER OF THE COMMISSION, Date Issued: August 12, 2015: www.tribtoday.com/pdf/news/641710_1.pdf ; For links to Long Run injection well information (YouTube videos) and Weathersfield/Niles injection wells information and videos, see: Marc Kovac, Dix Capital Bureau, March 11, 2015, “Hearing begins on Trumbull County injection well,” The Daily Record at: http://www.the-daily-record.com/local%20news/2015/03/11/hearing-begins-on-trumbull-county-injection-well : Google “Arthur on Weathersfield injection well 2 of 5” for Testimony by J. Daniel Arthur, Chief Simmers, and others regarding the Weathersfield injection well, etc. These YouTube videos are posted by OhioCapitalBlog, March 12, 2015. [15] Jeffrey L. Fox, “Relocation of Earthquake Epicenters Associated With a Class-1 Injection Well, Ashtabula Ohio,” 2004, Advisor, Michael C. Hansen, http://hdl.handle.net/1811/38974 The Ohio State University Department of Geological Sciences Senior Thesis, https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/38974 [16] To see an important discussion of the 1986 Painesville, Ohio magnitude 5.0 earthquake, see pages 1014-1015 of the PDF at the following url: A. McGarr, 2014, “Maximum magnitude earthquakes induced by fluid injection,” J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, 1008-1019, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010597 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JB010597/abstract ; Also see: James Risen and Stephanie Droll, “Great Lakes Area Jolted by 5.0 Earthquake,” Los Angeles Times, February 01, 1986, http://articles.latimes.com/1986-02-01/news/mn-2945_1_great-lakes [17] “Earthquakes in Ohio,” by Michael C. Hansen, Updated 2015, EL 9., ODNR Division of Geological Survey, Educational Leaflet (EL) Series, http://geosurvey.ohiodnr.gov/publications-maps-data/free-downloads/educational-leaflets [18] Jeffrey L. Fox, “Relocation of Earthquake Epicenters Associated With a Class-1 Injection Well, Ashtabula Ohio,” 2004, Advisor, Michael C. Hansen, http://hdl.handle.net/1811/38974 The Ohio State University Department of Geological Sciences Senior Thesis, page 11. https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/38974 [19] Jeffrey L. Fox, “Relocation of Earthquake Epicenters Associated With a Class-1 Injection Well, Ashtabula Ohio,” 2004, Advisor, Michael C. Hansen, http://hdl.handle.net/1811/38974 The Ohio State University Department of Geological Sciences Senior Thesis, page 24. https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/38974 [20] Mike Costarella, “Who’s At Fault?” Vindy.com, March 13, 2012, http://www.vindy.com/weblogs/shale-sheet-fracking/2012/mar/13/whos-fault/ [21] Page 12, PDF uploaded document: “Before the Oil & Gas Commission,” American Water Management Services, LLC vs Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management; Appeal Nos. 889 & 890, Review of Chief’s Orders 2014-372 & 2014 – 374 (AWMS #2 Well); FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER OF THE COMMISSION, Date Issued: August 12, 2015: www.tribtoday.com/pdf/news/641710_1.pdf [22] Will Drabold, “Scientists study Ohio’s quakes, fracking,” The Columbus Dispatch, March 16, 2014. [23] Frackfree Mahoning Valley Press release of February 9, 2016. Links to ODNR documents can be found here: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2016/02/deny-permit-ohio-fracking-waste-injection-well-seismic-activity-also-oklahoma-shakedown-feb12-youngstown.html [24] Laura Legere, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “State seismic network helps tell fracking quakes from natural ones,” June 26, 2016, http://powersource.post-gazette.com/powersource/policy-powersource/2016/06/26/State-seismic-network-helps-tell-fracking-quakes-from-natural-ones/stories/201606210014 [25] Julia Rosen, “Huge study links wastewater injection wells to earthquakes,” Science, June 18, 2015, http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/06/huge-study-links-wastewater-injection-wells-earthquakes [26] Includes audio, KMUW Wichita, Kansas 89.1, “Wichita’s NPR Station,” “Q&A: Geophysicist Discusses Kansas Earthquakes,” by Sean Sandefur, June 24, 2016, http://kmuw.org/post/qa-geophysicist-discusses-kansas-earthquakes [27] Anna Kuchment, “Drilling for Earthquakes,” Scientific American,” March 28, 2016, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/drilling-for-earthquakes/ [28] Won-Young Kim, “Induced seismicity associated with fluid injection into a deep well in Youngstown, Ohio,” July 19, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, Volume 118, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 3506-3518, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgrb.50247/full [29] Includes news video: Leslie Rangel, “Experts say it’s only a matter of time before the ‘big one’ shakes Oklahoma,” KFOR News Channel 4, KFOR.com, November 23, 2015, http://kfor.com/2015/11/23/only-a-matter-of-time-before-the-big-one-shakes-oklahoma/ [30] Ian James, The Desert Sun, in USA Today, “Audit: EPA lax guarding drinking water from energy waste, USA Today, April 12, 2016, http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/04/12/report-epa-lax-protecting-drinking-water-energy-waste/82931146/ # # # National Day of Action “Freedom from Toxic Fracking Waste and Earthquakes", June 7, 2016
Participants Thank you & Congratulations to all who joined in the 2016 National Day of Action. READ MORE > Lois Gibbs (of Love Canal renown) To Address Fracking & Injection Well Concerns March 13 at Youngstown, Ohio, Townhall
Nationally renowned leader who led the Love Canal, New York community out of harm’s way, author, and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Lois Gibbs, is coming to Youngstown, Ohio to share her story and address citizens’ concerns about man-made earthquakes, fracking waste injection wells, and drinking water: A Townhall-style meeting featuring Lois Gibbs will be held on Friday, March 13, 2015, at 7 PM to 9 PM, at the The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, located at 1105 Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio. (Elm & Illinois.) Youngstown, Ohio, March 5, 2015 – Nationally renowned leader, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, environmental justice advocate, author, and speaker, Lois Gibbs, is coming to Youngstown, Ohio. Lois Gibbs will be the keynote speaker at a Frackfree Mahoning Valley townhall-style meeting where citizen concerns related to man-made earthquakes, fracking waste injection wells, and drinking water will be the topic of lively discussion.
Lois Gibbs is founder and Executive Director of the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ), a national nonprofit who “mentors a movement, empowering people to build healthy communities, and preventing harm to human health caused by exposure to environmental threats.” www.chej.org (Quote is from the CHEJ mission statement: http://chej.org/about/mission/ Lois Gibbs led a heroic, historic, and successful effort to protect her family and community from toxic waste pollution at Love Canal, near Niagara Falls, New York, in 1978 to 1980. Lois Gibbs is an author, winner of the 1990 Goldman Environmental Prize, environmental justice advocate, and the subject of a movie about her life titled, “Lois Gibbs: The Love Canal Story.“ She has done local and national media interviews or appearances including with Oprah Winfrey and The Today Show. She has been called “The Mother of Superfund,” a federal program to clean up toxic waste. In the years 1978 to the early 1980s, Lois Gibbs’ efforts as leader of the Love Canal community, led to the evacuation of residents who did not know that their neighborhood and elementary school had been built upon or near a toxic industrial chemical waste dump. Under Gibbs’ leadership, the Love Canal crisis got the attention of President Jimmy Carter and other national and local officials. Through great effort, Gibbs was able to obtain evacuations for 833 Love Canal families affected by leaking toxic chemicals in their neighborhood. The story of Love Canal is an icon for what can happen when extensive industrial pollution and neglect invade a residential community, unbeknownst to the people. It also shows what can happen when public officials fail to protect the public health, safety, and public interest. The March 13, 2015 townhall program is titled, “A Dialogue with Lois Gibbs: Fracking Waste, Drinking Water, and Man-made Earthquakes: Where will the waste go and what can communities do about it?” The public townhall-style meeting will take place on Friday, March 13, 2015 at 7 PM to 9 PM at The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, located at 1105 Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio. (Elm & Illinois.) It is free and open to the public. ( EVENT ON facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/579453548824926/ ) All media and the public are invited to attend this very important meeting. READ MORE >>> Trumbull County, Ohio Residents Seek Control of Injection Wells and the associated earthquakes and toxic fracking waste
The meeting on February 5, 2015, had another full house w/ numerous calls for upholding constitutional rights to public health and safety as they are infringed upon by industrial injection wells in Trumbull County, Ohio. Further meetings have been planned. "All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety " - Ohio State Constitution, Article I, §1, Bill of Rights - Inalienable Rights (1851) SOURCE: Ohio Constitution https://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/upload/publications/election/Constitution.pdf http://celdf.org/downloads/Mansfield_Charter_Amendment_Community_Bill_of_Rights.pdf For Immediate Release: January 8, 2014
Frackfree America National Coalition News Release www.frackfreeamerica.org For Immediate Release: January 8, 2014 Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] _____________________________________________________ Youngstown, Ohio, January 8, 2014 - The Youngstown, Ohio area is a community that experienced what residents and scientists now know was at least 109 earthquakes in a place where there had been no previously recorded quakes. The multiple Youngstown earthquakes included the now-famous 4.0 magnitude 2011 fracking waste injection well – related quake. Concerned citizens of Frackfree America National Coalition, based in Youngstown, and Frackfree Mahoning Valley have been following events in earthquake-rocked Azle, Texas and earthquake swarms in Oklahoma, where some reputable scientists suspect that the largest quake, a 5.6 magnitude in Prague, Oklahoma, is linked to injection well operations. The local citizens’ groups are now reaching out to seek dialogue, share information, and to open channels of communication with the Azle, Texas community, with Oklahoma, with Ohio or other states with neighborhoods that may be experiencing similar situations involving injection wells and man-made earthquakes. The groups are seeking to work together with others to find real, fair solutions to our common problems and concerns, here in Youngstown, Ohio, and other places with apparently similar issues, like Azle, Texas. An Azle, Texas townhall meeting took place on January 2, 2014 where over 800 residents gathered to get questions answered by Texas state officials (the Texas Railroad Commission) about the approximately 30 earthquakes they have had in about the last two months, according to multiple news reports. In an astonishing turn of events, those officials reportedly would not answer the concerned citizens’ questions. Residents of the Youngstown area have experienced other similar situations of a shocking lack of transparency on the part of their state regulatory agency, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The Youngstown group says public officials need to be responsive, honest, and transparent to the public and to the media. READ the rest of the press release HERE For Immediate Release: December 27, 2013
Community Bill of Rights Committee News Release www.protectyoungstown.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: December 27, 2013 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer: Phone: 234-201-0402 or 330-881-1050 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Fracking, Earthquakes, Water, and Local Government Control: Youngstown, Ohio and Niles, Ohio Area Concerned Citizens Seek to Affirm Local Self-Governance Rights to Protect Their Public Health, Safety, General Welfare, Property Values, and Private Property Rights Youngstown, Ohio, December 27, 2013 – The Youngstown, Ohio Community Bill of Rights Committee said they would be back, and they already are. Members of the committee and other local supporters of the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment, which opposes fracking and upholds citizens’ fundamental right to local self governance and control, are going door to door in Youngstown with petitions seeking voter signatures to place a Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment question on the Youngstown ballot in May, 2014. They have launched a new website at: http://www.protectyoungstown.org/ The group says the public is warmly welcoming them. The committee is very pleased that Niles, Ohio concerned citizens are also now collecting signatures for their similar petition effort that seeks to place a ballot question on the Niles ballot in May, 2014. Niles concerned citizens launched a new website describing their effort to uphold their local rights and to ban fracking within Niles city limits at: www.keepnilessafe.org According to Susie Beiersdorfer, geologist and Youngstown Community Bill of Rights (CBR) Committee member, “We now have a powerful base of almost 5000 Youngstown voters that could easily sway an election or ballot question. We will win this time because the truth resonates. We needed only 6 percent more YES votes to win on the ballot question in Youngstown on November, 2013. The gap is closing in our favor, and we soundly gained ground in November. In the November, 2013 election, the opposition spent an exorbitant amount of money compared to what we spent. In addition to the money, they also spent countless hours to oppose us, and we still gained ground. We are extremely happy about that. It shows the strength and truth of our position.” READ the rest of the press release HERE
text source for image above: http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2012/03/ohios_gas_producers_embattled.html
You are invited to an open public Townhall style meeting: Thursday, September 5, 2013 in Youngstown, Ohio DOWNLOAD FLIER as WORD DOC file HERE
IMPORTANT! ALSO SEE BOE Public Debate Sept 6 on whether issue will be placed on ballot: DETAILS: http://frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2013/09/youngstown-earthquake-tremors-voter.html Are you concerned about fracking earthquakes, safe drinking water issues, pollution, gas flaring, or other fracking-related shale drilling concerns? Do you want to know more about: -- Toxic fracking waste injection wells? -- Private property or property value concerns? -- Protecting Mill Creek Park? Want to learn more about the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights Charter Amendment, your right to local self-governance, and what you can do to protect your community and your family? Please come to this ”open to the public” forum where we invite you to share your concerns, ask questions, or provide information and feedback – or, if you prefer, just listen and watch the brief informational films and important discussion to follow. Please come to The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, located at 1105 Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio (Elm & Illinois) on Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 7 PM to 9 PM. Together we can find positive solutions to help our neighborhoods thrive. Please attend and bring a friend! Thanks in advance. For more information, please contact us via Frackfree Mahoning Valley at: Phone: 234-201-0402 or e-mail: [email protected] For general info see: www.frackfreeamerica.org [This informational meeting is organized by the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights Committee and concerned citizens of Frackfree Mahoning Valley.] EVENT on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/688452794516896/ ![]() THE YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, COMMUNITY BILL OF RIGHTS COMMITTEE SEEKS YOUNGSTOWN VOTER SIGNATURES TO PUT A QUESTION ON THE NOVEMBER 2013 BALLOT TO UPHOLD LOCAL CONTROL AND FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS TO CLEAN AIR AND WATER
Youngstown, Ohio, July 19, 2013 – They’re back and more determined than ever to win on election day in November 2013. The Youngstown, Ohio, Community Bill of Rights Committee is coordinating a new door-to-door campaign to get the required number of registered Youngstown voter signatures to put a question on the November ballot. The group says that a Yes vote on that ballot question would uphold Youngstown citizens’ fundamental rights to protect their family’s safe drinking water, clean air, and land, and to local self-governance. “We came so close to winning last time that we fully expect to win the vote in November. In this past May’s election, we only needed 8 percent more to pass the Community Bill of Rights charter amendment. We had almost 3,000 Youngstown voters who did the right thing by voting Yes, and that is very impressive and very good news. We thank them,” said Youngstown resident Lynn Anderson. The group believes that the increasing number of high-profile scientific findings, government reports, news reports and claims by people living near fracking-related operations is awakening more and more people to the need for a Community Bill of Rights to help Youngstown prevent dangers, civil rights violations, and risks associated with fracking and related processes, infrastructure, and millions of gallons of fracking waste. “Nationwide and locally there are unconventional fracking wells and heavy industrial infrastructure that are way too close to homes, schools, parks, cemeteries, farms, and forests. Millions of gallons of our precious drinking water are being made permanently unusable due to the massive amounts of water used to frack each well. Each well pad can have numerous legs that can also be fracked. How can these heavy industrialized operations be permitted so close to homes, farms, or residential areas? This is not right. We need local control to protect our community’s public health and safety and to enforce how we want our communities to be. When the Community Bill of Rights passes in November, 2013, fracking and related activities will be banned in Youngstown as violations of the community’s fundamental rights,” said Susie Beiersdorfer. The Community Bill of Rights Committee points to unconventional fracking going on in the protected area of this local region’s drinking water, a source for at least 200,000 people as a risky activity and one that should never have been allowed to occur. They wonder how the state could have permitted fracking operations so close to a source of drinking water, our Meander Reservoir Drinking Water Source Protection Area. The group cites an example from nearby Weathersfield Township of what could come to Youngstown if the Community Bill of Rights does not pass in November. An unconventional horizontal fracking well operation was placed very close to Westwood Lake Mobile Home Park residents, many of whom are retired. Since then, residents have experienced diesel fumes, vibrations so strong that pictures on the wall moved, continuous noise, bright lights, and other nightmares that severely, unfairly, and adversely affect their quality of life. Recently, Westwood Lake residents had to contend with extreme noise and air quality issues from flaring of the well. The following video shows their suffering: “Westwood Lake Nightmare” (published June 23, 2013) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UEfXg9km5Q “Think about it. What if this was your mother, grandmother or another family member being forced to endure this unfair and unhealthy situation? We need to protect our loved ones from this kind of unjust intrusion and threat to public health, safety, and well-being. This is America. We can do better than this. In America we all equally deserve liberty and justice – fairness is not just for the few, “ said Susie Beiersdorfer. The Community Bill of Rights Committee and supporters say that a Yes vote will protect our inalienable rights and clarify that local elected authorities do indeed have the power – and the duty - to protect their constituents’ public health, safety, and well-being, and families in their jurisdiction. The fundamental rights of local communities cannot be legislated away by state governments. The Community Bill of Rights will be a much-needed return to the rule of law. The group cites the earthquakes as another big concern for our area and other states. For a recent mention of the now-famous 4.0 magnitude Youngstown fracking waste injection well-related earthquake and important new earthquake/injection well scientific information, please see: Reuters: “Distant seismic activity can trigger quakes at ‘fracking’ sites,” by Sharon Begley, July 11, 2013 at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/11/science-fracking-earthquakes-idUSL1N0FG0VT20130711 The group will soon announce a newly revised website where visitors can volunteer, donate, or get further information about the Community Bill of Rights. For media inquiries, more information, and/or to volunteer to help the Community Bill of Rights effort, please contact the group via Frackfree Mahoning Valley at: 234-201-0402 or e-mail: [email protected] Frackfree America National Coalition News Release www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: March 5, 2013 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer or Jane Spies, M.S. Ed.: Phone: 234- 201-8007 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio) Calls For an Immediate Halt To Upcoming Scheduled Fracking at the Cadle Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing Well (MAHN7) Located in The Protected Drinking Water Area of Meander Reservoir, Which Serves Hundreds of Thousands of Local Residents. Frackfree America Cites E-mails That Apparently Indicated a 4’ tear in the 20" casing during the cementing process at the Well in October, 2012. Previous Reported Violations of the Well Drilling Company is Also Part of the Group’s Concern. Frackfree America Members Will Take Their Concerns to Columbus, Ohio Officials on Wednesday, March 6, 2013. Youngstown, Ohio – 3/5/13 - Concerned citizens of Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio) will take their issues, especially an urgent matter related to the apparent upcoming fracking in the Meander Reservoir groundwater source protection area, to Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, March 6, 2013, as part of Legislator Accountability Day. Frackfree America National Coalition members will present information to Representative Ronald V. Gerberry, Senator Joe Schiavoni, and other officials about the protected Meander Reservoir drinking water area, which serves over 200,000 people in local communities including Youngstown, Niles, and Austintown. Susie Beiersdorfer, M.S., a co-founder of Frackfree America National Coalition said, “The fracking in Meander is an urgent concern, especially in light of an e-mail exchange that we found on the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) website referring to a “20" casing failure” in October, 2012. We are calling for an immediate halt to operations in the protected drinking water area of Meander Reservoir at least until this can be clarified, and reported violations of CNX Gas Co LLC. can be examined. [See “StateImpact Pennsylvania” link below for violation reports]. The public health and safety of the families and community must be number one. It is astonishing to us that this permit to frack in this area was even allowed in the first place. We need ODNR and local officials to act proactively to prevent another similar instance to the recent illegal dumping of fracking- related waste that contaminated the Mahoning River. Our stance is that fracking must be stopped, in general, as it cannot be done safely with the technology as it stands today.” Frackfree America says that if the state or drillers say the well casing problem has been corrected, the public needs to see the proof, and independent, qualified, scientific experts need to evaluate and verify its claimed safety. In addition, the following excerpt found on the ODNR website from an e-mail labeled as by Pete Nickel dated October 13, 2012, needs to be explained thoroughly and clearly in a public forum. (Please see the entire e-mail message thread at http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/mineral/oil/MRMImages/18/1/228343.pdf ): [Excerpt follows: Starts at page 2 of 3 in PDF report] “From: Nickel, Pete Frackfree America says that this Meander scenario illustrates why local control, rather than state control, is essential for communities to protect public health and safety in local neighborhoods and to protect drinking water, air, and land.
In fact, the group just received word that the required number of Youngstown registered voter signatures have been validated, so that a question about a local control Community Bill of Rights will appear on the May 7 ballot. The group says it is wrong that nobody officially asked the local Youngstown-area community and families whether or not they wanted to accept the risks related to fracking and related processes in a protected drinking water area. Frackfree America says that the community, local officials, and first responders have the right to protect their drinking water source from threats of contamination. Furthermore, they must be immediately and effectively notified when leaks, spills, pollution, or illegal dumping occur so that they can implement a preparedness plan. (See Bearkamp orphan well information below) For more information please see: E-mails cited above can be found at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) website at the following url: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/mineral/oil/MRMImages/18/1/228343.pdf (accessed: March 5, 2013) See also: “ Request Ohio Governor Revoke CNX’s Drilling Permit #34099231830000” at: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2013/02/request-ohio-governor-revoke-cnxs-drilling-permit-34099231830000.html For information by StateImpact Pennsylvania (per website’s “About” section: “…a collaboration between WITF, WHYY and NPR.” ) regarding violations of CNX Gas Co LLC. See: http://stateimpact.npr.org/pennsylvania/drilling/operators/cnx-gas-co-llc/ (accessed 3/5/13) Regarding the leak above a PA drinking water reservoir, please see: “Drilling leak leads to violation notice”, by Timothy Puko, August 1, 2012, Tribune-Review: http://triblive.com/news/2322637-74/officials-substance-authority-consol-state-bentonite-drinking-supply-according-ashton#axzz26fpG6s9Y [See Url and Excerpt below from EPA website RE: "Bearkamp Orphan Well Plug Ellsworth, OH - EPA Region V"] "In October 2011, the ODNR, Division of Mineral Resources Management requested assistance with the evaluation of and potential funding for plugging a leaking orphan oil well discharging crude oil to Meander Creek. The orphan well is located within three feet of the bank of the creek and in the near floodplain. Meander Creek flows into the Meander Creek Reservoir." http://www.epaosc.org/site/site_profile.aspx?site_id=8063 Drinking water information for “Youngstown: Mahoning Valley Sanitary District (Meander Reservoir)” can be found at the website titled,”Mahoning River Watershed, The Mahoning River Education Project – Drinking Water” at: http://www.ysu.edu/mahoning_river/Research%20Reports/river_drinking_water.htm#Local%20Water%20Supply%20and%20Sources:%20Varied%20Reports%20and%20Various%20Sources See a previous release that discussed Meander drinking water issues, “Statement: Open Letter” by Frackfree Mahoning Valley to Mayor Charles Sammarone and Youngstown City Council: September 18, 2012” : http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/09/statement-open-letter-by-frackfree-mahoning-valley-to-mayor-charles-sammarone-and-youngstown-city-council-september-18-2012.html Please see: “Drilling commences at Mahoning County well Opponents decry location, September 14, 2012, by Brenda J. Linert, The Tribune Chronicle: http://www.tribtoday.com/page/content.detail/id/576558/Drilling-commences-at-Mahoning-County-well.html?nav=5003 The Frackfree America National Coalition website is at: www.frackfreeamerica.org Subscribe to the Frackfree America Free E-mail Listserv for important updates and information: http://frackfreeamerica.us4.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=ba7fe7ec95cf7d5295e545089&id=9c918b0843 Find Frackfree America on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree For Media Inquiries or for more information, please call or e-mail: [email protected] 234-201-8007 # # # Hear Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin's powerful message delivered in this 10 min. video of the Sermon: Wake On The River ~ Resurrection Time! February 10, 2013, Youngstown, Ohio, 9 days after the revelation of fracking toxic waste being dumped in the Mahoning River, and a day *before* the revelation that dumping has been occurring for at least the previous five months.
Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin If player does not play please use direct link to it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b59pjbtLZJ8&feature=youtu.be
Coverage of Saturday's Rally, Rally against fracking collects signatures for initiative on the May primary ballot, Jan 27, 2013 3:24 PM EST, article here at WFMJ, Youngstown, Ohio site: http://www.wfmj.com/global/story.asp?s=20717885
Frackfree America National Coalition - News Release www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: January 23, 2013 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer or Jane Spies, M.S. Ed.: Phone: 234- 201-8007 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio) Seeks Youngstown Registered Voter Signatures Required To Put a Local Control, “Community Bill of Rights” Question On The May Primary Ballot: The Group Will Hold a 10 AM Rally On Saturday, January 26, 2013, To Kick Off The All-day Signing Event That Will Include Local Canvassers Going Door-to-door With A Local Control Petition Seeking Signatures Of Registered Voters And An Opportunity For Interested Voters to Sign The Petition at The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown on Saturday. Youngstown, Ohio-1/23/13 – Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio www.frackfreeamerica.org ) anticipates that for many Youngstown residents who felt the now-famous fracking waste injection well-related 4.0 magnitude earthquake on Dec. 31, 2011 or who are concerned about protecting Mill Creek Park from fracking, the following rally will be a must-attend event. Concerned citizens of Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio) will hold a rally at 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM, Saturday, January 26, 2013, on the front steps of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown to kick off their special petition-signing event planned for the entire day beginning at 10 AM to 8 PM, Eastern time. The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown is located at 1105 Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio. (Elm & Illinois.) This Saturday event is part of an ongoing effort to get the required number of signatures from Youngstown registered voters in order to put a question on the May Primary ballot for voters to decide if they want local control to protect their water, air, and land. The effort is also known as the Community Bill of Rights. Media and the public are encouraged to please attend. This Community Bill of Rights seeks to re-establish local control that concerned citizens believe was unjustly taken away in 2004. Frackfree Mahoning Valley and Frackfree America National Coalition have been providing educational efforts and going door-to-door to seek signatures. After Saturday’s 10 AM rally, canvassers plan to go door-to-door in the local area to seek prospective signers. “We welcome and invite anyone who wants to sign the petition, or would like more information about the effort before signing, to come to the church on January 26 at any time between 10 AM and 8 PM where members of Frackfree America will be available to help and to provide educational literature. Canvassers report that the response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. People who felt the earthquake and who love Mill Creek Park and want to keep it safe from fracking comprise a great number of signers, so far. We are extremely pleased with how this is going, and we thank the community for their positive response,” said Susie Beiersdorfer, co-founder of Frackfree America National Coalition. In addition to the January 26 signing event and rally, other times and places where Youngstown citizens can sign the petition can be found at the following website address: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/youngstownpetition.html Frackfree America National Coalition says that local self-government control is essential for local officials to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare of their constituents and protect drinking water sources, air, and soil, including farmland. All citizens have a right to drink clean water, breathe clean air, and live on unpolluted land. Especially in light of the growing number nationwide of reports of accidents or mishaps related to gas and oil drilling and related processes and infrastructure, this is a timely concern. The recent Sissonville, West Virginia gas line explosion that damaged homes and part of the freeway is one example of the need for citizens and officials to address these kinds of issues immediately. See: NBC Nightly News, December 11, 2012: “Gas line explodes in West Virginia; homes burn, freeway damaged": http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/11/15845530-gas-line-explodes-in-west-virginia-homes-burn-freeway-damaged?lite Furthermore, when spills, leaks, or contamination occur, first responders and physicians must know precisely what substances they are dealing with in order to protect themselves and the public from harm. Company “trade secrets” policies and exemptions of the oil and gas industry from some laws inhibit adequate knowledge at this point in time. For example, an excerpt follows from a news article about an Ohio oil well leak. The article is titled, “Ohio closes oil well, questions remain,” January 17, 2013, by Shelley Grieshop, The Daily Standard. The author quoted Auglaize County EMA Director Troy Anderson: “… St. Marys Township Fire Department, which received the initial call about the leak, also has no information on file, he added. Owners of oil and gas wells legally do not have to provide local authorities with any information even though they must respond to public health threats. Permits and other requirements are on file only with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.” http://www.dailystandard.com/archive/story_single.php?rec_id=20053 The oil spill in St. Marys, Ohio is also discussed in an article (updated on January 21, 2013,) by Tricia Bell, titled, “Officials investigate St. Marys oil spill,” (hometownstations.com ) An excerpt follows: “St. Marys, Ohio - What seemed to be a small oil spill on Friday has grown into a much more difficult to contain crude oil release into waterways in Auglaize County.” http://www.hometownstations.com/story/20584854/officials-investigate-st-marys-oil-spill The latter Ohio example shows that not only are reports of concerns from residents or officials coming in from other parts of the country where drilling or hydraulic fracturing has been going on for a while, Ohio residents are presenting their own increasing number of concerns about problems they claim are related to drilling or fracking and related processes. For instance, the NBC News “Today Show” did a report about an Ohio family’s concerns about their drinking water. The report is titled, “Rossen Reports: Family discovers their tap water is flammable,” January 11, 2013: http://todaynews.today.com/_news/2013/01/11/16462830-rossen-reports-family-discovers-their-tap-water-is-flammable?lite Another Ohio example is shown in a WKYC- TV news video and article from December 5, 2012, titled, “Portage County: Drilling blamed for home damage”: http://www.wkyc.com/news/article/272365/6/Portage-County-Fracking-blamed-for-home-damage These reports are in addition to the growing list of community concerns, including a 5- mile long “brine” waste spill in Fowler and countless fish dying in Brookfield, which Frackfree Mahoning Valley has brought to public attention in previous releases. Even though fracking and related activities have not yet reached anticipated levels in Ohio, concerns and the number of reports of problems are growing. These incidents have not been adequately addressed, in the groups’ opinion. Transparency, honesty, scientific information, and public dialogue are essential in resolving these issues. Frackfree America National Coalition renews its call for open public dialogue, preferably televised, on these crucial issues that so profoundly affect our community. This conversation would be a great community service. The previously cited news stories are relevant to a discussion of the local Community Bill of Rights petition because nationwide, and in Youngstown, community officials who represent their constituents’ public interest need local control to fulfill their official obligations to safeguard public health, safety, and well-being. Frackfree America’s position is that, based upon mounting evidence, the risks to public health and safety along with social costs posed by fracking and related processes are too high to accept, and the technology is not far enough advanced to do fracking and related processes safely, therefore it must be stopped. Frackfree America says that the public has a right to decide how they want to address these concerns in their own local communities in order to protect the public welfare…hence the need for the local ballot question for the Community Bill of Rights. It is the responsible thing to do to have an informed public making informed decisions about how they want their communities to be, based upon science and principles of good ethics. For a basic overview of fracking –related issues please see: “Unearthed: The Fracking Façade” YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPIEzSwPwT0 For more information, please see a previous press release (12/26/12) RE: “March to the Promised Land Rally”: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/#pressrelease12-26 The Frackfree America National Coalition website is at: www.frackfreeamerica.org Subscribe to the Frackfree America Free E-mail Listserv for important updates and information: http://frackfreeamerica.us4.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=ba7fe7ec95cf7d5295e545089&id=9c918b0843 Join the upcoming Second National Rally Day: Spring, 2013 at: www.frackfreeamerica.org Find Frackfree America on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree For Media Inquiries or for more information, please call or e-mail: [email protected] 234-201-8007 # # # Frackfree America National Coalition News Release
www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: January 2, 2013 Contact: Phone: 234- 201-8007 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Local “Promised Land” Movie Extras and Concerned Citizens of Anti-Fracking Group, Frackfree America National Coalition (based in Youngstown, Ohio), Plan to Attend a Friday, January 4, 2013 showing of Matt Damon’s “Promised Land” movie in a Boardman, Ohio Theater Youngstown, Ohio-1/2/13 - As the clock on the Frackfree America National Coalition website counts down to the big day – January 4, 2013 – the opening of Matt Damon’s and John Krasinski’s “Promised Land” in movie theaters nationwide, a group of concerned citizens of Frackfree America National Coalition who oppose fracking, along with local residents who were actually filmed as “Promised Land” extras, are planning to attend the 2 PM showing of the movie at the Regal Cinema South 10 theater at 7420 South Avenue in Boardman, Ohio, on Friday, January 4, 2012. (Detailed plans for Friday’s trip to the movies can be found on the homepage at: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/promised-land.html ). Patti Gorcheff, a “Promised Land” movie extra and local fracking opponent who will be attending the movie on Friday, said: “Being on the “Promised Land” movie set in the Pittsburgh area around June of 2012 was very exciting and a new experience for me and my family. We got to speak with Matt Damon briefly. It was also a very moving experience because, for me, this wasn’t solely a fictional movie. It was about experiences similar to what I’m going through right now living near a proposed fracking waste injection well and living near farms that have already leased. We don’t want any more earthquakes or other problems. I’m optimistic, though. I hope this movie inspires people to really research the problems associated with fracking and related processes and to take a stand. I can’t wait to see how the movie came out.” Patti Gorcheff, her husband David Gorcheff, and their daughter Kelsey appear in the “Promised Land” movie trailer that is airing nationally. David Gorcheff will also attend the movie on January 4th. Another theme in “Promised Land,” according to the movie trailer, is a vote that residents of the fictional town of McKinley are taking to determine whether or not they, as a community, want to lease their land for gas drilling. In a real-life scenario reminiscent of the fictional vote in the movie, Frackfree America says a Community Bill of Rights initiative is underway right now in Youngstown, Ohio. Concerned citizens say they want to put the fracking issue to a vote and get back local control for the community to protect their water, air, and land. Concerned citizens are seeking signatures of Youngstown residents to get the issue put on the local ballot that would enable voters to say whether or not they want to take back local control in Youngstown. Frackfree America National Coalition has information on their website (http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/youngstownpetition.html ) that informs any Youngstown resident who wants to sign the petition where they can go to sign it. Frackfree America has been eagerly anticipating this January 4th opening day saying they hope the national dialogue that they have been calling for to highlight the many risks of fracking and related processes to public health and safety will finally strongly take hold. They are especially pleased that Matt Damon has said that he would like his film to start a conversation. In an effort to help promote a national conversation, Frackfree America has been calling attention to the “Promised Land” movie and held a very successful “March to the Promised Land Rally” on Dec. 28, 2012 in Youngstown. Some rally attendees drove hours to show their support for the cause – even with lots of snow on the ground and cold weather. The rally keynote speaker was Douglas Shields, featured in “Gasland” filmmaker Josh Fox's film "The Sky is Pink" and former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania City Council President, who in 2010 sponsored and secured the first ban of shale gas extraction drilling in the city of Pittsburgh. Attending the rally were families, mothers, fathers, children, men, and women - a true cross-section of American citizens. We thank them all. See: Youngstown, Ohio (AP): “Drilling opponents plan rally in northeast Ohio,” December 28, 2012. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/12/28/28-movie-inspires-protest.html See WYTV 33 News video and article, “Drilling Opponents Hold Rally in Youngstown,” December 28, 2012: http://www.wytv.com/content/news/local/story/Drilling-Opponents-Hold-Rally-in-Youngstown/_e7g2YKAOkiI8M6RYqCEEg.cspx Frackfree America hopes that other groups nationwide will create their own similar rallies to help keep the new conversation started by Damon and Krasinski going and getting louder. Frackfree America says Matt Damon and John Krasinski deserve kudos and thanks for helping to raise the level of necessary national dialogue about how we, as American citizens, want our communities to be. The group encourages others to view “Promised Land” when it comes to their area theaters. Movie extras will be available to give media their take on the movie “Promised Land” that they will be viewing for the first time. For more information, please see a previous press release (12/26/12) RE: “March to the Promised Land Rally”: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/#pressrelease12-26 See the Facebook Event page, “We’re all going to the movies” at: http://www.facebook.com/events/296628993773859 The Frackfree America National Coalition website is at: www.frackfreeamerica.org Subscribe to the Frackfree America Free E-mail Listserv for important updates and information: http://frackfreeamerica.us4.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=ba7fe7ec95cf7d5295e545089&id=9c918b0843 Join the upcoming Second National Rally Day: Spring, 2013 at: www.frackfreeamerica.org Find Frackfree America on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree For Media Inquiries, to speak with movie extras, or for more information, please call or e-mail: [email protected] 234-201-8007 # # # Important Ohio event ! Friday,
January 4, 2013. Join the Youngstown, Ohio, convoy to Promised Land! 2 p.m., We're All Going To The Movies - Join Us In Promised Land - Film Extras To Watch Film Public · coordinated by Frackfree America National Coalition 2 p.m., Regal Cinema, 7420 South Ave, Boardman, Ohio 44512 EVENT PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/events/296628993773859 Important event ! Friday, Dec. 28
The public is invited to please come to Youngstown, Ohio, on Friday, December 28, 2012, for an exciting rally and march to help raise public awareness of fracking and related processes. This is a great opportunity for all of us to tell more people about what is really going on as it relates to fracking: Event details follow: Frackfree America National Coalition News Release
www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: December 26, 2012 Contact: Phone: 234- 201-8007 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ Matt Damon’s and John Krasinski’s “Promised Land” Movie Inspires Fracking Opponents’ Rally in Youngstown, Ohio, Site of 4.0 Magnitude Fracking Waste Injection Well-Related 2011 Earthquake Youngstown, Ohio-12/26/12 - In the “Promised Land” movie trailer, Matt Damon’s character, landman Steve Butler, tells his gas industry employer news that could adversely affect the company’s prospects for getting gas drilling leases signed in a small rural community: “The town is going to put it to a vote in three weeks.” Nationwide, similar scenarios are playing out in real life where towns and cities assert their right to local control in determining how they want their communities to be. For many, that means preventing drilling rigs, fracking waste injection wells, or other gas and oil infrastructure from being placed near homes, children’s schools, under cemeteries, parks, or national forests – or anywhere. Indeed, in Youngstown, Ohio, a Community Bill of Rights initiative is now in the works. Concerned citizens have long insisted that fracking and related processes are a major threat to public health and safety. To emphasize that point, on December 28, 2012, at 12:30 PM-2 PM, Eastern, Frackfree America National Coalition (www.frackfreeamerica.org ) is sponsoring “March to the Promised Land Rally” in Youngstown, Ohio, beginning outside First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, 1105 Elm St. (Elm & Illinois.) (Movie will NOT be shown at rally). The rally keynote speaker is Douglas Shields, featured in “Gasland” filmmaker Josh Fox's film "The Sky is Pink" and former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania City Council President, who in 2010 sponsored and secured the first ban of shale gas extraction drilling in the city of Pittsburgh. Speaking of that ban, Shields told WKBN-27 News (9/12/12): “‘If you're going to give us over to this industry to our detriment, you better start answering questions about your due diligence. What is the issue with our health? What happens when it goes bad? What are these impacts that we're risking?’ … ‘We brought science, law, industry before the city council and at the end of the day council's assessment was this is not safe.’ “ “Promised Land” movie extras will appear at the rally. Frackfree America encourages similar rallies nationwide. See: “Marcellus Shale Reality Tour Part 10 - Bad Vibes” by Scott Cannon, Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myzGaZfeyYI Rally info: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/promised-land.html#Cows Frackfree America National Coalition Subscribe: Listserv & Second National Rally Day: Spring, 2013: www.frackfreeamerica.org www.facebook.com/Frackfree Media Inquiries: [email protected] 234-201-8007 # # # March To The Promised Land Rally - a Promised Land-movie-related rally!*
Dec 28, Friday, 12:30pm - 2pm The event will assemble** near the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown (UUYO), 1105 Elm St. (Elm & Illinois), Youngstown, Ohio 44505, and other locations to be determined. Great speakers and Promised Land movie extras are scheduled to appear! The rally keynote speaker will be Douglas Shields, who is featured in Gasland filmmaker Josh Fox's film "The Sky is Pink" and is a former Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania City Council President, who in 2010 sponsored and secured the first ban of shale gas extraction drilling in the city of Pittsburgh. Matt Damon's and John Krasinski's new movie "Promised Land" will be opening soon on December 28 (select locations) and January 4 nationwide. The film posters have the conversation-starting tagline, "What's your price?..." Frackfree America encourages everyone to see the movie, Promised Land, when it comes to a theater in your area. More exciting details will follow. Please keep checking back to the links below. (And / or subscribe to the free Frackfree America National Coalition listserv http://eepurl.com/oHOKr for more updates and other fracking-related information). Thanks! Please share and distribute widely. *Just to clarify: movie, Promised Land, will NOT be shown at this "March to the Promised Land Rally." This rally/march, facilitated by Frackfree America National Coalition, is meant to encourage conversation, public awareness of fracking & related issues, & to encourage your attendance at the movie when it comes out in your local area. **NOTE - transport and seats available for those that need to ride to, and to be seated at the rally :) Here it is on FB: http://www.facebook.com/events/419501181455439/ Please FB SHARE / INVITE Guests as able ~ thank you! Here's the Rally page on our website (FANCy): http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/promised-land.html It is also at FFMa calendar: http://bit.ly/12BOZ8m ALSO , PL Extras FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Promised-Land-Extras-2012/332913823423104 ![]() Urgent: Please Send Comments to EPA! Deadline Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
The public has a chance to comment on the candidates for the US EPA's Science Advisory Board panel. The SAB panel will review the technical aspects of the US EPA's report on the effects of shale drilling on groundwater. This is our chance to strongly recommend qualified candidates or oppose industry-influenced candidates. *EPA Portal for the decision process*: http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/WebProjectsRequestsforCommentsBOARD/B436304BA804E3F885257A5B00521B3B?OpenDocument&TableRow=2.1#2 There is a long *list of candidates* - 72 page PDF : http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/WebProjectsRequestsforCommentsBOARD/B436304BA804E3F885257A5B00521B3B/$File/List%20of%20Candidates-Hydraulic%20Fracturing%20Advisory%20Panel-11-27-12-Final.pdf HERE (click) is a sample letter of recommended and not recommended candidates Note: Latest info for "seismic testing in Trumbull, Mahoning, and parts of Portage counties, Ohio?" http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/#Seismic-testing-Ohio has moved to HERE (click)
New Twist To Mahoning Valley Fracking Conversation:
Landowner, Cop, Veteran & Forced Pooling: Youngstown, Ohio, Townhall Meeting To Be Held December 6 Frackfree Mahoning Valley News Release originally posted at www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ Share FB Event on facebook HERE (click) _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: December 4, 2012 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer: Phone: 234-201-0402 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ A NEW TWIST TO THE MAHONING VALLEY FRACKING CONVERSATION: MILITARY VETERAN, LANDOWNER, RETIRED POLICE OFFICER, ED HASHBARGER, PRESENTS HIS PERSPECTIVE ON TOXIC FRACKING WASTE INJECTION WELLS, FORCED POOLING, SEISMIC TESTING AND MORE AT THE SECOND MONTHLY FRACKFREE MAHONING VALLEY PUBLIC TOWNHALL – STYLE MEETING ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2012, AT THE ELM STREET YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, UNITARIAN CHURCH Youngstown, Ohio, 12/04/12 – Before Ed Hashbarger knew what he knows now about fracking and related processes, he was likely to think: “Drill baby drill.” That is not what he says today – not even close. Hashbarger says he is now actively opposing fracking until the technology catches up, via scientific studies, to ensure that it can be done safely. He says not enough science has been done, yet. So exactly what caused this landowner, Marine military veteran, and retired police officer to change his mind and become so actively against fracking, with the technology as it stands today? Hashbarger describes his attending an oil and gas industry informational meeting: “This all started for me … when I attended an oil and gas meeting just to gather some knowledge, being a farmer and a conservative … I asked a question: What happens to landowners who are just not interested in leasing, and they told me, ‘We’ll take it from you anyways.’ …” This idea, sometimes referred to as forced or mandatory pooling, went against Ed’s deeply held values, which resulted in his current efforts to raise public awareness of fracking-related issues and problems. All concerned citizens and media are encouraged to attend to hear Ed Hashbarger tell his very compelling story and provide much needed fracking-related information, including about forced pooling, on Thursday, December 6, 2012, at 7 PM to 8:30 PM at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, Channing Hall, 1105 Elm St. (Elm and Illinois, across from Wick Park). EVENT on FB: http://www.facebook.com/events/444842725551072/ An interesting side note is that Ed was filmed as an extra, portraying a police officer, for the upcoming Matt Damon and John Krasinski movie Promised Land. The December 6th meeting will be the second in a series of monthly, townhall – style meetings held by concerned citizens of Frackfree Mahoning Valley (www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com ) and Frackfree America National Coalition (www.frackfreeamerica.org ). “The fracking issue goes beyond politics. We want to be inclusive because we are all in this together. We share common ground, which is our concern for the public health, safety and well-being of our families and our local communities and our freedom as citizens to control how we want our communities to be,” said Susie Beiersdorfer of Frackfree Mahoning Valley and Frackfree America National Coalition. In addition to Ed’s presentation, there will be a showing of some brief films related to oil and gas drilling and updates on the latest news about fracking and related processes. A question and answer period with time for audience discussion will follow. Topics and questions to be explored include, but are not limited to: --The latest news on the future of Mill Creek Park and other area parks, as it relates to fracking, and the Youngstown, Ohio, Community Bill of Rights petition, which seeks to allow the citizens to vote to protect their public health and safety. --What is mandatory or forced pooling and what does it mean to citizens as members of the community? --What is the latest information on seismic testing in Trumbull, Mahoning, and parts of Portage counties, Ohio? See: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/#Seismic-testing-Ohio --What are the implications of a possible Youngstown City Council vote on banning toxic waste injection wells in the city? See: “Youngstown to vote on injection well ban,” “December 1, 2012 By Joe Gorman” http://www.tribtoday.com/page/content.detail/id/579851/Youngstown-to-vote-on-injection-well-ban.html?nav=5021 For media inquiries or more information, e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Also see: Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org e-mail: [email protected] call: 234-201-8007 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree # # # Townhall Meeting
with Q & A Fracking Dialogue at Northeast Ohio Townhall, Youngstown, Safeguards Public Health w/ Accurate Transparent Solutions: Part 2 of Series Thursday, December 6, 2012 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Speaker: Ed Hashbarger, Jr. Forced Pooling, Unitization (ORC 1509.28), Mandatory Pooling (1509.27), & Eminent Domain Ed, a conservative Republican veteran, retired law enforcement officer, landowner & former radio host, will also speak of personal experiences w/ gas industry. Ed also has a role in the Promised Land film! First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown (UUYO) 1105 Elm St. (Elm & Illinois) Youngstown, Ohio 44505 Seismic testing in Trumbull, Mahoning, and Portage Counties Ohio?
The 3 following articles speak for themselves: WKBN TV - 27 First News: (Youngstown, Ohio) "Seismic Testing Could Be Coming to Area," November 26, 2012. http://www.wkbn.com/content/news/local/story/Seismic-Testing-Could-Be-Coming-to-Area/DukHtdJ-tU6OOZLTg0VTJg.cspx The Marietta Times: (Marietta, Ohio) "Vibrations blamed for court sewer leak," July 12, 2012. http://www.mariettatimes.com/page/content.detail/id/545346/Vibrations-blamed-for-court-sewe---.html EXCERPT: "... intern with the court went to look for a file in ... basement storage room and discovered stacks of the court files had fallen over.... there was sewage all over the floor...The break allowed sewage flushed from the second-floor bathrooms to spill out onto the floor. File boxes on the floor also absorbed some of the sewage." "Seismic testing, lessons learned?" July 14, 2012. http://www.mariettatimes.com/page/content.detail/id/545397/Seismic-testing--lessons-learned-.html?nav=5004 EXCERPT: "City engineers say they are also concerned culverts along the way may have been damaged. It appears more research should have been done into what impact the testing could have on local roads and buildings. Slight damage occurred in at least one local residence near Ohio 60..." "Unconventional Gas Development from Shale Plays: Myths and Realities” to be presented at Youngstown University, Youngstown, Ohio, Nov. 7, 2012
A. R. Ingraffea, the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, presents “Unconventional Gas Development from Shale Plays: Myths and Realities” at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7 in Room 1171 of Williamson Hall on the campus of Youngstown State University, 221 North Hazel Street, Youngstown OH 44503 READ MORE: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/11/unconventional-gas-development-from-shale-plays-myths-and-realities-at-youngstown-university-youngstown-oh-nov-7-2012.html Frackfree Mahoning Valley News Release
www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ For Immediate Release: October 29, 2012 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer: Phone: 234-201-0402 or E-mail: [email protected] Share Event on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/events/444842725551072 FRACKING, EARTHQUAKES, INJECTION WELLS, AND CONTAMINATION RISKS TO DRINKING WATER, AIR, AND SOIL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A FRACKFREE MAHONING VALLEY PUBLIC TOWNHALL – STYLE MEETING ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2012, AT THE ELM STREET YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, UNITARIAN CHURCH Youngstown, Ohio, 10/29/12 – An increasing number of citizens are expressing concerns about hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and related processes, earthquakes, injection wells, and fracking-related contamination risks to drinking water, soil, and air. To address some of these concerns, Frackfree Mahoning Valley (www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com ) and Frackfree America National Coalition (www.frackfreeamerica.org ) will hold a series of public townhall-style meetings for the community to get accurate information, to ask questions, voice their concerns, and seek positive solutions to safeguard the public health and safety as it relates to fracking. The first public meeting will take place on Thursday, November 1, 2012, at 7 PM to 8:30 PM at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown, Channing Hall, 1105 Elm St. (Elm and Illinois, across from Wick Park), Youngstown, OH 44505 The public and media are invited and urged to attend. The meeting will include a presentation about earthquakes and other drilling-related topics by Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, Ph.D., professor of geology. A showing of some brief, compelling films related to oil and gas drilling will also be shown. A question and answer period with time for audience discussion will follow. Frackfree Mahoning Valley says that it is essential for the public to have access to accurate information, transparency, and honest, open dialogue about fracking and related processes especially in light of Youngstown City Council’s recent misguided, erroneous decision to greenlight fracking within city limits, historic Mill Creek Park facing the threat of fracking, and the drilling in the protected watershed area of Meander reservoir, a drinking water source for over 200,000 people in our area. “I anticipate another lively discussion on Thursday since this topic involves the prospect of fracking and drilling near or under parks, schools, homes, farms, forests, and cemeteries. It is truly astonishing and unacceptable that fracking in such areas is even considered and permitted,” said Susie Beiersdorfer of Frackfree Mahoning Valley and Frackfree America National Coalition. See a previous public statement by Frackfree Mahoning Valley regarding fracking here: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/09/youngstown-ohio-city-council-rush-to-decision-to-lease-fracking.html For media inquiries or more information, e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Also see: Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org e-mail: [email protected] call: 234-201-8007 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree # # # Youngstown, Ohio's Historic Mill Creek Park Threatened w/ Fracking, Oil & Gas Drilling: Urgent Hearing Oct. 25, 2012
Frackfree Mahoning Valley News Release
www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ permanent link: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/10/youngstown-ohios-historic-mill-creek-park-threatened-with-fracking-oil-gas-drilling-urgent-hearing-oct-25-2012.html ______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: October 22, 2012 Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer: Phone: 234-201-0402 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO’S HISTORIC MILL CREEK PARK FACES THREAT OF FRACKING AND OIL AND GAS DRILLING: GROUPS URGE THE PUBLIC TO ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012, AT MILL CREEK METRO PARKS FARM TO VOICE THEIR CONCERNS, HEAR SPEAKERS Youngstown, Ohio, 10/22/12 – Youngstown’s beautiful, historic Mill Creek Park is facing the threat of fracking and gas and oil drilling. Park commissioners are having public meetings to gather information to help them decide whether or not to greenlight fracking in Mill Creek Park. Concerned citizens of Frackfree Mahoning Valley and Guardians of Mill Creek Park are urging the public to attend an important public meeting on October 25, 2012, at Mill Creek MetroParks Farm 7574 Columbiana-Canfield Rd. Canfield, OH 44406 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Scheduled speakers at the October 25th meeting are: Ohio State Representative Bob Hagan, Dr. Ted Voneida (neurobiology), Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, Ph.D, professor of geology. Dr. Voneida and Dr. Beiersdorfer will speak about geology and chemicals that are vented at fracked wells and the adverse effects they have on the environment and health. “If you care about the park and our surrounding area, we urge you to please come and hear the speakers and voice your concerns to stop fracking from destroying Mill Creek Park. For the residents who live near the park, this is a matter of keeping drilling rigs out of their residential living space. Fracking and related processes jeopardize the public health and safety and are not in the public interest. To permit fracking related drilling near homes, schools, parks, cemeteries, or forests is simply unconscionable and must be stopped. Evidence that some officials are not protecting the public interest is the astonishing news that a fracking well has been permitted about a mile from a nuclear facility in Shippingport, PA, “ said Lynn Anderson, co-founder of the Facebook group Guardians of Mill Creek Park http://www.facebook.com/groups/guardiansmillcreek/. See: “Permit to drill is only a mile from nuclear plant,” by Rachel Morgan, 10/20/12, Timesonline.com, http://www.timesonline.com/permit-to-drill-is-only-a-mile-from-nuclear-plant/article_12b10f0b-6b5b-5045-aaf8-582260c9fa80.html Frackfree Mahoning Valley says it is important that park commissioners and the public fully understand the high risk of leaks, spills, mechanical failures, drinking water contamination, and earthquakes associated with fracking and related processes. Even before fracking ramps up in this area, there have been accidents, including the 5-mile long so-called “brine” waste spill in Fowler and the fish kill in Brookfield. For media inquiries or more information, e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Also see: Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org e-mail: [email protected] call: 234-201-8007 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree # # # Join & SHARE facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/254225554700853/ MAIL-IN comments: Public comment on leasing mineral rights in park - Mill Creek Park/MetroParks Office PO BOX 596, Canfield, OH, 44406 Fracking in Youngstown on national NBC TV -
Youngstown, Ohio - October 18, 2012. TODAY | Aired on October 18, 2012 City mulls controversial fracking to raise money http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49462258#49462258 "Critics say that “fracking” – pumping water and chemicals into the ground to release oil and gas – is a risky business that can cause water contamination. But cash-strapped cities like Youngstown, Ohio, are contemplating selling mineral rights to allow energy companies to drill and frack. NBC’s Phil LeBeau reports." Youngstown, Ohio
October 18, 2012.
TODAY | Aired on October 18, 2012
City mulls controversial fracking to raise money Critics say that “fracking” – pumping water and chemicals into the ground to release oil and gas – is a risky business that can cause water contamination. But cash-strapped cities like Youngstown, Ohio, are contemplating selling mineral rights to allow energy companies to drill and frack. NBC’s Phil LeBeau reports. Fracking in Youngstown on national NBC (10/18/12)
"City mulls controversial fracking to raise money" http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49462258#49462258 Frackfree Mahoning Valley: Second Statement (9/26/12) RE: Youngstown City Council fracking vote: HOW QUICKLY SOME FORGOT THE SERIOUSNESS OF THE YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, FRACKING- RELATED 4.0 MAGNITUDE EARTHQUAKE: LET’S REMEMBER, AND URGE DELAYING OF THE VOTE AND ARRANGING TELEVISED PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE YOUNGSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MAKES AN ERRONEOUS, MISGUIDED, RASH DECISION TO LEASE YOUNGSTOWN MINERAL RIGHTS TO GREENLIGHT FRACKING AND RELATED PROCESSES ON OCTOBER 3, 2012, THEREBY JEOPARDIZING THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY: First of all, thank you and kudos to the Youngstown, Ohio, City Council members who listened to their constituents, heard their concerns and did the right thing. On September 19, 2012, some members of the Youngstown City Council wisely postponed the vote to greenlight fracking in the city of Youngstown, perhaps, out of their legitimate concern for the need for more due diligence, transparency, and public education before leaping blindly into a serious decision that would affect Youngstown and the surrounding area – including other states and Canada. Delaying the vote was the responsible thing to do. Thank you. This issue is not over even though the vote was postponed. Now the vote could be set for October 3, 2012. We must again urge the Youngstown City Council to vote to delay the vote and to hold a series of public hearings, preferably televised, on the topic in question. For the record, Frackfree Mahoning Valley, a group of concerned citizens from Youngstown and the surrounding area, opposes fracking and related processes since fracking cannot be done safely with the technology as it stands today. On September 19, 2012, the mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, Mayor Sammarone, made an impassioned, some might say desperate, plea for money that was broadcast in the following WKBN – TV 27 news report: According to the WKBN-TV report, quoting Mayor Sammarone: “‘Mr. Hagan, if you want to help us, get us money,’ Sammarone said. ‘That’s what we need in the city of Youngstown, money.’ “ (See: “Council Meeting Heats Up Over Drilling in Youngstown”, WKBN – TV 27 first News, September 19, 2012, updated September 20, 2012: http://www.wkbn.com/mostpopular/story/Council-Meeting-Heats-Up-Over-Drilling-in/wa4gvZaTN0OhBjQ7mXGr9w.cspx ) As the old saying goes, desperate people do desperate things, and we believe that putting the public interest, health and safety in jeopardy in order to recklessly rush into an agreement for fracking, because it is said that the city needs money, is a desperate thing to do, even if the intentions of the Mayor are good. Other, more creative ways to solve this problem should be explored. Furthermore, Youngstown, Ohio is the current epicenter of induced seismicity, otherwise known as man-made earthquakes. To even consider allowing fracking within the city limits is astounding in light of recent history. Allowing fracking in the city will increase the production of millions of gallons of toxic fracking “brine” waste which may be disposed of in toxic “brine” fracking waste deep injection wells in the Youngstown area, which is now an earthquake zone due to previous injection that disturbed the equilibrium of an ancient fault. The mayor spoke with CNN correspondent Poppy Harlow soon after the now famous 4.0 magnitude, December 31, 2011, earthquake. According to the CNN news report of January 12, 2012, Youngstown Mayor Sammarone told CNN Money reporter Poppy Harlow: “I’ve lived there about 42 years. We never had an earthquake like that.” … ”When you feel unsafe in your own house, then it’s a serious situation.” (You can hear Mayor Sammarone’s remarks, cited above, and the CNN Money news report by reporter Poppy Harlow, titled, “Ohio’s mysterious man-made earthquakes”, (1/12/12) here: http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2012/01/12/n_ohio_earthquakes.cnnmoney/ ) People were shocked after the 11 earthquakes leading up to the 4.0 magnitude earthquake, and rightly so. Mayor Sammarone was “worried,” according to the CNN report. We should not forget how we, as a community, felt at that time. We should question the wisdom of allowing fracking and more injection well disposal of “brine” toxic fracking waste in this area. As the protest sign shown in the CNN report says, “We are Not Expendable.” Frackfree Mahoning Valley understands that Youngstown, like many cities nationwide, is in a budget crunch, but a better solution than greenlighting fracking should be found. For the sake of the Youngstown community, families, children, grandchildren and future generations, we must get this decision right. There must be proper due diligence, public awareness and transparency. We are concerned that this still has not yet taken place. Not all designated experts on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) are objective or impartial providers of vital information that the general public needs. The Youngstown City Council’s decision must be scrutinized, publicized, intensely deliberated, and voted upon by a fully informed public, because not only does this decision profoundly affect Youngstown families and community, it is also a regional issue, and an international issue, since any resulting earthquakes from toxic fracking waste deep injection wells have the potential to be felt in surrounding states and even Canada, as shown by the reports from the December 31, 2011, Youngstown 4.0 magnitude earthquake, one of about 12 earthquakes in an area with no previously recorded quakes prior to operation of the Northstar # 1 injection well. Frackfree Mahoning Valley offers our educational support for putting together a public, and it is hoped, televised forum where the community and surrounding states can hear what is being considered and where they can hear truly independent authorities on the risks and alleged benefits of fracking. Important questions that have not yet been adequately addressed publicly include:
“"The program is basically a paper tiger," said Mario Salazar, a former senior technical advisor to the Environmental Protection Agency who worked with its injection regulation program for 25 years. While wells that handle hazardous waste from other industries have been held to increasingly tough standards, Salazar said, Class 2 wells remain a gaping hole in the system. "There are not enough people to look at how these wells are drilled … to witness whether what they tell you they will do is in fact what they are doing." “ See: “Safety Rules for Fracking Disposal Wells Often Ignored The growing number of wells used to dispose of wastewater from fracking are subject to lax oversight” “By Abrahm Lustgarten and ProPublica | Thursday, September 20, 2012”, Scientific American : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=safety-rules-for-fracking-disposal-wells-often-ignored
http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/07/02/4075195/drilling-trucks-have-caused-an.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list of relevant and necessary questions could go on and on. Public input is needed. What do the constituents want to know about what may take place in their neighborhood? What are the risks associated with fracking and related processes? They deserve to know before it happens, and to have a say in what might happen in their local community, although Frackfree Mahoning Valley believes fracking should not take place for reasons cited above. Frackfree Mahoning Valley sent an e-mail (a copy of the e-mail message is included below) to Youngstown City Council after the Public Utilities Committee meeting on September 18, 2012 where a representative from the Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) spoke to them about hydraulic fracturing (fracking). There were some presenter omissions and, we believe, inaccuracies, that need to be addressed as a part of adequate due diligence before Youngstown City Council makes such a serious decision about leasing Youngstown’s mineral rights for fracking. In addition, when asked by a City Council member about earthquake issues, the OOGEEP presenter urged Council to ask the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) about earthquakes because she could not answer those questions. As far as we know, a public meeting with an ODNR official about the unanswered questions has not yet occurred. There must be time allowed to invite ODNR, as recommended by the OOGEEP presenter, and to do the requisite due diligence to protect the public interest. Again, the e-mail sent to Youngstown City Council by Frackfree Mahoning Valley is shown below at the end of this statement. In Summary: To open up Youngstown for fracking is a serious decision that should not be rushed into lightly or recklessly, as now seems to be the case. What kind of mess are we leaving for our children, grandchildren, and future generations to clean up if we allow fracking to continue? We as a community must stop this reckless pursuit of money, at any cost, before it causes irreparable and irreversible harm to the public health, safety and well-being. Negative health effects may not manifest right away – sometimes taking years, but that doesn’t mean that adverse health effects are not taking place. There is a great need now to hear from physicians, nurses, and other public health and medical professionals about their assessment of the risk of adverse health effects of fracking and related processes. To date, we know of no medical professionals that have addressed Youngstown City Council. Why? This needs to happen. We owe it, not only to ourselves, but also to our children to make the right decision regarding leasing mineral rights. Youngstown City Council members are entrusted to represent and to uphold the fundamental, inalienable rights of their constituents to clean air, clean water, and land. Council must take the required time to protect the well-being, public health, and safety of our community and its families and future generations. It is their duty. Therefore, as a partial solution, we must: Delay the vote. Increase transparency and increase valid due diligence. Truly educate the public by holding televised true public, honest dialogue and a series of public hearings with independent, objective experts, physicians, public health professionals, citizens, and authorities. We cannot jeopardize the public health for some quick cash. This decision could forever change our local area from residential or rural to heavy industrial. Does the community really want that? We think not. How can voters make an informed decision about whether or not to allow fracking in their neighborhoods if polls reportedly show that many people (62 percent in one poll) don’t even know what fracking is? They can’t, which is why there needs to be a valid public awareness campaign in the public interest, and fast. We believe that when the public genuinely understands the consequences and detriments of fracking, and not only the alleged benefits touted by those with vested interests in perpetuating fracking and related processes, they will join the anti-fracking side of the argument in large numbers. After making objective fracking information available to the public, a vote should be put on the ballot for the public to decide for themselves the nature of their local community. After the public is truly informed about the damage fracking and related processes have caused in other states that are further along than Ohio in the process, they will be in a better position to make a real, informed decision regarding the risks and “benefits” of fracking. The truth about fracking risks is not the rosy picture that is painted by slick, expensive gas and oil drilling advertisements that are broadcast continually on national and local TV and radio. These overly optimistic and, we believe, disingenuous portrayals, which neglect to tell the public about the high level of adverse risks of fracking and related processes, are simply too good to be true. It is also irresponsible and a disservice to the community to only present the alleged “benefits” of fracking while failing to present known detriments and risks of fracking and related processes. Why is the industry, apparently, avoiding or evading discussion of the risks? The general public, and members of Youngstown City Council, deserve to know the risks in order to make a truly informed consent or rejection of fracking and related processes in their neighborhoods. It is the responsible thing to do. SEE our previous press release here: http://www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/2012/09/frackfree-mahoning-valley-calls-upon.html SEE our previous statement /open letter here: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/09/statement-open-letter-by-frackfree-mahoning-valley-to-mayor-charles-sammarone-and-youngstown-city-council-september-18-2012.html An e-mail sent to Youngstown City Council on September 19, 2012, follows: To: Youngstown City Council, Mayor Sammarone From: Frackfree Mahoning Valley http://www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com/ 234-201-0402 or [email protected] RE: Objective sources included below to correct inaccuracies and omissions in the Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) presentation to the Public Utilities Committee: September 18, 2012 There is also a link to our open letter of September 18, 2012, to Youngstown City Council at the website URL cited above. Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker last evening. This is a good step forward to the kind of dialogue that we would like to see among experts, scientists, physicians and public health professionals, council, and the general public. There were a number of inaccuracies and omissions in the presentation by Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) to City Council last evening. The presenter also was unable to answer several questions regarding the Youngstown injection well-related earthquake. She referred Council to ODNR. We hope that you will please follow-up on the earthquake, fracking waste, and injection well questions that were left unanswered by the presenter last evening. This is a very important topic for Youngstown, as you know. We are including a few objective and reliable sources of information below to correct the record. We hope that you will please take some time to review these materials. Particularly, the presentation by Dr. Anthony Ingraffea will make clear the difference between conventional and unconventional drilling and how unconventional hydraulic fracturing is a new technology. If you want more information, we would be happy to offer educational support to Youngstown City Council and/or the Public Utilities Committee. It would be good to have an open forum where these kinds of presenter misrepresentations, whether intentional or unintentional, could be corrected during the meeting, rather than the day afterward. And, again, thank you for the opportunity to voice our questions and concerns. Thank you in advance for reviewing this material. Concerned Citizens of Frackfree Mahoning Valley Please see: Dr. Anthony Ingraffea (bio below) discusses the differences between conventional vs. unconventional drilling. He also discusses issues with designating the year 1947 as the beginning of hydraulic fracturing. This is a very important video that speaks directly to issues raised last evening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjdhiZJCyzU RE: The presenter mentioned Frac Focus as a resource for Council. Here is a recent Bloomberg article about Frac Focus. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-14/fracking-hazards-obscured-in-failure-to-disclose-wells.html Fracking Hazards Obscured in Failure to Disclose Wells By Benjamin Haas, Jim Polson, Phil Kuntz and Ben Elgin - 2012-08-14T22:26:29Z [excerpt from full article:] “Seeking to quell environmental concerns about the chemicals it shoots underground to extract oil and natural gas, Apache Corp. (APA) told shareholders in April that it disclosed information about “all the company’s U.S. hydraulic fracturing jobs” on a website last year. Actually, Apache’s transparency was shot through with cracks. In Texas and Oklahoma, the company reported chemicals it used on only about half its fracked wells via FracFocus.org, a voluntary website that oil and gas companies helped design amid calls for mandatory disclosure." … RE: Bainbridge, Ohio, incident mentioned by the presenter: [Excerpt from full article at the following url] http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2007/12/bainbridge_officials_to_meet_t.html “Bainbridge officials to meet tonight on home explosion Published: Monday, December 17, 2007, 4:15 PM Updated: Monday, December 17, 2007, 4:56 PM By Kaye Spector, The Plain Dealer Bainbridge Township -- A natural gas explosion that rocked an English Drive home early Saturday will be the topic of a meeting at town hall tonight. The freak explosion - which officials say was caused by natural gas bubbling into Richard and Thelma Payne's well water - literally lifted the English Drive house off its foundation before dropping it down, Fire Chief Brian Phan said. " ... Additional reports and articles: [GAO Report:] “Drinking Water Safeguards Are Not Preventing Contamination From Injected Oil and Gas Wastes RCED-89-97, Jul 5, 1989” http://www.gao.gov/products/RCED-89-97 “Cracks in the Façade …” Dusty Horwitt, Senior Counsel, Environmental Working Group, August 3, 2011: http://static.ewg.org/reports/2011/fracking/cracks_in_the_facade.pdf Please also see videos, articles, and reports at the end of Update 1 at: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/08/update-1-for-freedom-from-toxic-fracking-waste-national-rally-day.html Bio for Dr. Anthony R Ingraffea follows: http://www.cee.cornell.edu/people/profile.cfm?netid=ari1
Dr. Ingraffea spent two years as a structural engineer with the Grumman Aerospace Corporation and two years as a county engineer with the Peace Corps in Venezuela before he began doctoral studies. He has taught structural mechanics, finite element methods,and fracture mechanics at Cornell since 1977. Dr. Ingraffea's research concentrates on computer simulation and physical testing of complex fracturing processes. He and his students performed pioneering research in the use of interactive computer graphics in computational mechanics. He has authored with his students over 200 papers in these areas. He has been a principal investigator on over $35M in R&D projects from the NSF, NASA Langley, Nichols Research, NASA Glenn, AFOSR, FAA, Kodak, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, IBM, Schlumberger, Digital Equipment Corporation, the Gas Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, the Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, General Dynamics, Boeing, Caterpillar Tractor, and Northrop Grumman Aerospace. Professor Ingraffea was a member of the first group of Presidential Young Investigators named by the National Science Foundation in 1984. For his research achievements he has won the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics "1994 Significant Paper Award" for one of five most significant papers in the category of Computational/Analytical Applications in the past 20 years, and he has twice won the National Research Council/U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics Award for Research in Rock Mechanics (1978, 1991). His group won a NASA Group Achievement Award in 1996, and a NASA Aviation Safety Turning Goals into Reality Award in 1999 for its work on the aging aircraft problem. He became a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991. Professor Ingraffea has received numerous awards for his outstanding teaching at Cornell. He received the first Society of Women Engineer's Professor of the Year Award in 1997, the 2001 Daniel Luzar '29 Excellence in Teaching Award from the College of Engineering, and, in 2005, was named Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow at Cornell University. He has been a leader in the use of workstations and information technology in engineering education, with grants from the NSF, U.S. Department of Education, Digital Equipment Corporation, Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett-Packard in these areas. He organized and was the first Director of the NSF-supported, $15M Synthesis National Engineering Education Coalition, a team of eight diverse engineering colleges. Synthesis developed, implemented, and assessed innovative programs and technologies to improve the quality of undergraduate engineering education and to attract and graduate larger numbers of women and under-represented minority engineers. He was Cornell Co-PI on a NASA/NYS/AT&T sponsored project to develop an Advanced Interactive Discovery Environment for collaborative distance design in engineering education, teaming with faculty from aerospace, mechanics, and civil engineering from Cornell and Syracuse universities. He was named Co-Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Fracture Mechanics in 2005, received the ASTM Irwin Award for meritorious contributions to the practice of fracture mechanics in 2006, and was named a Fellow of the International Congress on Fracture in 2009. In 2011, TIME Magazine named him one of its "People Who Mattered". Research Interests The Cornell Fracture Group members include Prof. Tony Ingraffea, research associates, and graduate students. The mission of the Cornell Fracture Group is to create, to verify, and to validate computational simulation systems for fracture control in engineered systems. An equally important focus of the group is education at all levels. Our current and past research has focused on both experimental testing and numerical simulation of fatigue and fracture in a variety of materials. www.cfg.cornell.edu Teaching Interests I believe that pedagogy, the "how" that one teaches, is as important as "what", or the content, one teaches. Further, pedagogy must be consistent with content and the "why", or the values sought in content. I know from my teaching experience, and from the literature of educational psychology, that clarity of presentation, responsiveness to student needs, and, most importantly, remembering what it was like to be a student, are the most important aspects to effective pedagogy. I continue to explore the use of informational technology tools to improve clarity and responsiveness. I hope I will never forget how I thought, how I learned, and how I felt about my professors when I was a student. Service Interests 1. Outreach via informal education of the public, policy makers, and regulators on technical issues related to unconventional development of natural gas. 2. K-12 STEM education. Selected Publications
Selected Awards and Honors
For media inquiries or more information, e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Also see: Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org e-mail: [email protected] call: 234-201-8007 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree # # #
“Statement: Open Letter” by Frackfree Mahoning Valley to Mayor Charles Sammarone and Youngstown City Council: September 18, 2012 <<use this to permalink here>>
WHY YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, MAYOR CHARLES P. SAMMARONE AND YOUNGSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MUST DELAY THE VOTE ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 THAT COULD GREENLIGHT THE SELLING OR LEASING OF YOUNGSTOWN MINERAL RIGHTS, THEREBY OPENING THE DOOR TO FRACKING AND RELATED PROCESSES IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Youngstown, Ohio, 9/18/12 - According to the Youngstown, Ohio Vindicator (9/14/12), in an article titled, “Youngstown council to weigh fracking resolution,” by David Skolnick: “The mayor is asking city council to support a resolution urging the state to have ‘stringent regulations’ on fracking while also seeking council’s approval to sell the city’s mineral rights. Mayor Charles Sammarone’s resolution calls for the city to support oil and gas drilling, as permitted by the state, as long as Ohio officials ‘respect local concerns by protecting the citizens of Youngstown through stringent and effective regulation …’ ” http://www.vindy.com/news/2012/sep/14/youngstown-council-to-weigh-fracking-res/ Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FFM), a group of concerned citizens from Youngstown, Ohio and the surrounding area, says that fracking and related processes cannot be made safe by implementing “stringent regulation.” Frackfree Mahoning Valley says that the process is inherently unsafe, as indicated by a mounting number of scientific reports, news articles, and documents. (Please see some of these reports, news videos, and articles at the following URL: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/08/update-1-for-freedom-from-toxic-fracking-waste-national-rally-day.html ) This is not solely an issue for Mayor Sammarone and the Youngstown City Council to decide without adequate due diligence that consists of open, public, preferably televised, dialogue, among independent scientists, physicians and other health professionals, public health officials, the general public, lawyers, mortgage and insurance experts, and industry and business representatives. Immediate increased transparency and public dialogue is necessary to safeguard the public interest. Frackfree Mahoning Valley urges all Youngstown and surrounding area citizens to please attend the public meeting at Youngstown City Council on Wednesday, September, 19, 2012. The adverse risks of fracking and related processes to the public health, safety, and well-being are too great to force them upon the public. Wherever there is fracking there must be millions of gallons of toxic fracking wastewater produced. What are Youngstown’s plans to identify, test and dispose of this waste and other solid fracking waste? It must go somewhere, and Ohio seems to be the state most preferred for dumping or disposal of Ohio’s or other states’ hydraulic fracturing – related waste. If the greenlight is given for fracking in the city, this will by definition mean that more waste in the Youngstown area will be created. Where will it go? What are the plans for disposal? It has been established that the December 31, 2011, 4.0 magnitude earthquake that shook Youngstown, Ohio and was felt in numerous surrounding states and as far away as Canada, was linked to a fracking waste disposal deep injection well. The Youngstown earthquake of December 31, 2011, was one of about 12 earthquakes in an area that never had reported earthquakes before the drilling. The fact that surrounding states as well as areas in Canada reported feeling that 4.0 mag. earthquake, makes the decision that Mayor Sammarone and Youngstown City Council regarding whether or not to allow fracking and related processes in the city, an issue for all of the citizens in those states or province, as well as Ohio. Have they been officially consulted? Not as far as we know. It is irresponsible to allow fracking and/or disposal of fracking waste in the city for the latter fact alone. There are too many unknowns about where geological faults lie and how to actually prevent fracking-related earthquakes. Injection wells in the earthquake – related moratorium areas must not be started again. Fracking waste disposal in those areas, at least, must be permanently banned. In addition, the so-called “brine” “saltwater” fracking waste must be independently, publicly, completely, and scientifically tested for all components of this substance. “Stringent regulations” did not prevent the earthquakes, or other accidents that have taken place recently in Youngstown or the surrounding area. One cannot make an inherently unsafe process safe by making more regulations. For example, asbestos was once thought to be safe for use by the public. Science later showed that asbestos is inherently unsafe. No amount of “strict regulation” will make asbestos safe. This is the same with fracking and related processes. They are inherently unsafe and no amount of regulations will make them safe. The following fracking – related accidents are not theoretical. This is happening now and must be adequately addressed. These incidents still remain unresolved. If these kinds of spills or accidents are already happening before fracking and related processes are even taking place on a large scale in Ohio, what kinds of health risks and threats to drinking water will the general public face if the industry ramps up full speed ahead? It must be delayed now. Incidents of concern include but are not limited to: -Fracking and injection well – related earthquakes: CNNMoney: “Is drilling causing Ohio earthquakes?" By Poppy Harlow and Erica Fink @CNNMoney January 17, 2012: 11:13 AM ET” [Especially see second video titled, “Ohio's mysterious man-made earthquakes”] http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/17/news/ohio_earthquakes/?source=cnn_bin -A 5-mile long spill of “brine” waste near an injection well that was leaked from a truck on the road in Fowler. It is still not clear what that substance was composed of or how the incident occurred. Reports show that “brine” waste can contain carcinogenic chemicals and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). We should know what the community was exposed to as a result of this “brine water” truck spill. See: “Weekend Brine Water Spill Reported in Fowler,” WKBN TV News (27),” Published: 7/11 5:46 pm Updated: 7/18 5:56 pm” http://www.wkbn.com/content/news/local/story/Weekend-Brine-Water-Spill-Reported-in-Fowler/nIQe3_JvvEqdlJ8FSYrrXg.cspx -Fish die in a Brookfield, Ohio pond. What exactly caused countless fish to die? Consol Energy was cited by the EPA in relation to the runoff, according to the WKBN TV News report. See: “Slag Runoff May Have Caused Brookfield Fish Kill,” WKBN TV News (27) “Published: 7/31 10:14 pm Updated: 8/01 8:11 pm” http://www.wkbn.com/content/news/local/story/Slag-Runoff-May-Have-Caused-Brookfield-Fish-Kill/CuanEIQ0pE-bZSFEpq-Aiw.cspx -The Purple Cat spill – Coitsville, Ohio. According to the Vindicator cited below: “The spillage drained into an open field near the well site and in the direction of a body of water behind The Purple Cat, the nonprofit, private agency that offers day programs and work opportunities for people with disabilities.” “D&L faced violations in its past” Published: Mon, January 2, 2012 @ 12:03 a.m., by Karl Henkel, The Vindicator. http://www.vindy.com/news/2012/jan/02/by-karl-henkel/ -The Ginsburg well. An Ohio well reported as having numerous serious violations is reportedly still operating. See: "Teresa Mills and Heather Cantino - Injection Wells": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyUQ4aP_1UU&feature=related --Seismic testing allegedly caused damage to the courthouse building in Marietta, Ohio. Could this happen elsewhere and what are the exact risks of seismic testing on old pipes and structures? Youngstown and other state and city officials should be looking at what happened in Marietta for “lessons learned,” as the title cited below says. Seismic testing is going on currently in various parts of Ohio. According to the Marietta Times article cited below, “…Slight damage occured [sic] in at least one local residence near Ohio 60 where the trucks were conducting their tests. And the seismic waves may be the cause behind a sewer pipe breaking in the new Marietta Municipal Court. The broken line caused sewage and water to leak into a storage area, damaging some records. City engineers say they are also concerned culverts along the way may have been damaged.” See: “Seismic testing, lessons learned?”, July 14, 2012, The Marietta Times: http://www.mariettatimes.com/page/content.detail/id/545397/Seismic-testing--lessons-learned-.html?nav=5004 These kinds of incidents do not inspire public confidence in the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) or other Ohio officials’ ability to safely regulate the gas and oil industry. These serious accidents make assurances given by officials regarding “stringent regulations” sound like false reassurances. Even small human errors can cause highly damaging consequences. Drinking water sources and public health should not be put in jeopardy. The following news articles include information about why these kinds of decisions cannot be rushed through council without adequate due diligence and public notification of what is going on in their communities. The public must have a real opportunity to voice their feedback and concerns. An astounding example of the lack of thinking things through adequately when it comes to permitting fracking and related processes in Ohio is the drilling in the watershed of the Meander Reservoir. This reservoir is a drinking water source for 300,000 citizens in our Mahoning Valley. Preparation for drilling has already begun. This turn of events and the site chosen near Meander is astonishing, especially in light of a news report from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, in August of 2012, where, according to Timothy Puko of the Tribune – Review, cited below, “A gas-drilling site leaked sediment above a drinking – water reservoir in Westmoreland County, leading state environmental regulators to issue a violation notice.” (8/1/12) The driller was reported to be Consol Energy, according to the news article. See: “Drilling leak leads to violation notice”, by Timothy Puko, August 1, 2012, Tribune-Review: http://triblive.com/news/2322637-74/officials-substance-authority-consol-state-bentonite-drinking-supply-according-ashton#axzz26fpG6s9Y Details about the drilling near Meander Reservoir and the location of the well “in the Meander Reservoir’s watershed”, according to the Tribune – Chronicle, are included in the following Tribune Chronicle article (9/14/12). According to the Tribune – Chronicle article, CNX Gas Co. LLC is the driller of the horizontal well. See: “Drilling commences at Mahoning County well: Opponents decry location”, September 14, 2012, By BRENDA J. LINERT https://www.tribtoday.com/page/content.detail/id/576558/Drilling-commences-at-Mahoning-County-well.html?nav=5003 The Marcellus Drilling News reports that the watershed well “…is being drilled by CNX Gas (subsidiary of CONSOL Energy)”, which reportedly was issued a violation notice in the above-mentioned article describing the Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, drilling leak incident. Is this the same company that will soon be drilling in the Meander watershed? This needs to be made clear. The public needs to know. See: “CNX Gas Starts Utica Well in Meander Reservoir Watershed”, Marcellus Drilling News: http://marcellusdrilling.com/2012/09/cnx-gas-starts-utica-well-in-meander-reservoir-watershed/ There is an urgent and great need to slow this entire process down while people educate themselves and learn the truth about what is going on in their residential neighborhoods when it comes to the gas and oil industry drilling. Drilling has even commenced or is being considered as an option near cemeteries, schools, homes, forests, and parks in various parts of the country. Frackfree Mahoning Valley believes that promises of quick money for leasing mineral rights by the oil and gas drilling industry are clouding some peoples’ judgment regarding the dangers of fracking and related processes. Issues such as gas drilling- related eminent domain and mandatory or forced pooling need to be fully understood by the general public. There is too much rushing to drill without the public’s full knowledge. On too many occasions, the public is caught off guard by how swiftly drilling activities are moving into their neighborhoods near homes and schools. This is not right and must stop. What’s the rush? See: “Fracking in Suburbia”, [features Broadview Heights, Ohio]: “Tuesday, 18 September 2012 10:09 By Andrew Spear and Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Video Report”: http://truth-out.org/news/item/11604-fracking-in-suburbia Articles that address other states’ experiences with fracking and related processes show that even strict regulations are not always enforced. Ohio is not adequately prepared to police spills, leaks, mechanical failures, and accidents that are already beginning to occur. First responders, health professionals, and the general public need to know what exactly is in the fracking “brine” waste. We in Ohio should be learning from residents’ experiences in other states with fracking and related processes rather than some people or officials ignoring or remaining unaware of other states’ problems and damages related to gas drilling and plunging blindly and recklessly, full speed ahead. This is foolish and irresponsible. It is a disservice to the community and a threat to public health and safety. See: “North Dakota’s Oil Boom Brings Damage Along With Prosperity” “by Nicholas Kusnetz, Special to ProPublica June 7, 2012, 11:47 a.m.” http://www.propublica.org/article/the-other-fracking-north-dakotas-oil-boom-brings-damage-along-with-prosperi Also see: Update 1 – Many informative links to videos, articles, and reports can be found at the end of Update 1 at: http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/1/post/2012/08/update-1-for-freedom-from-toxic-fracking-waste-national-rally-day.html Also see: [GAO Report:] “Drinking Water Safeguards Are Not Preventing Contamination From Injected Oil and Gas Wastes RCED-89-97, Jul 5, 1989” http://www.gao.gov/products/RCED-89-97 “Cracks in the Façade …” Dusty Horwitt, Senior Counsel, Environmental Working Group, August 3, 2011: http://static.ewg.org/reports/2011/fracking/cracks_in_the_facade.pdf These are just a few of the reasons why Mayor Sammarone and Youngstown City Council must delay the vote on fracking in Youngstown, Ohio, on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. If this vote is not delayed in order for the Youngstown City Council to continue to do additional proper study and due diligence and to properly inform the general public of the serious risks of fracking and related processes to the public health, safety, and well-being, Frackfree Mahoning Valley believes that such apparent willingness to rush into an agreement for oil and gas industry drilling or fracking in Youngstown, without adequate due diligence, will show that Mayor Sammarone and Youngstown City Council are not adequately protecting the public’s health, safety, and well-being. The health of our communities, citizens, families, and future generations must take priority in any decision-making regarding fracking and related processes. Too much is at stake for irresponsible, rash decisions to be made. Delay the vote. It is the right thing to do. For media inquiries or more information, e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-0402 www.frackfreemahoning.blogspot.com Also see: Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org e-mail: [email protected] call: 234-201-8007 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree # # # Subscribe to our Rally Updates - news, ideas, logistics!
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UPDATE #4: is a press release for use by local Rally coordinators READ MORE... UPDATE #5: "Contacting Media: Guidelines" READ MORE... UPDATE #6: "Posters and Other Tips" READ MORE.... UPDATE #7: "More Media Tips" UPDATE #8: "Freedom from Toxic Fracking Waste: National Rally Day was a Huge Success!!” READ MORE... Freedom from Toxic Fracking Waste:
National Rally Day, Sept 12, 2012 · DESCRIPTION- September 12, 2012, MANY LOCAL rallies against toxic fracking wastewater · PURPOSE- Raise awareness, Show solidarity between groups, Build media relationships · MESSAGE - Enough is Enough! One voice saying to our local & state governments & to the oil & gas industry: o "We will NOT be a dumping ground for toxic fracking waste, & we want ALL injection of toxic frack waste into the ground beneath our feet to STOP NOW!” o Enough earthquakes! o Enough putting our drinking water at risk! o Enough putting our air at risk!" · AUDIENCE- General public, especially those who don’t know much about fracking, Local & state officials, Media · WHO IS ORGANIZING THE EVENT? All events are local & the individual groups make up the coalition - Frackfree America & NEOGAP will only facilitate · SPIRIT- Action is nonviolent in action & spirit MORE INFO: Frackfreeamerica.org NEOGAP.org facebook.com/Frackfree facebook.com/Neogap.org (234) 201-8007 Press Release: Freedom from Toxic Fracking Waste: National Rally Day, Sept. 12, 2012 On September 12, 2012 a national coalition of local coordinators and groups in communities across America will hold local, simultaneous rallies throughout the day to help raise public awareness about serious risks to public health, safety, and well-being posed by the millions of gallons of toxic fracking waste continually produced by the shale gas and oil drilling industry. Frackfree America National Coalition News Release: NEOGAP (Network for Oil & Gas Accountability & Protection) www.NEOGAP.org and Frackfree America National Coalition www.frackfreeamerica.org _______________________________________________________ For Immediate Release: August 9, 2012 Contact: Vanessa Pesec: Phone: 440-781-6440 or E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Susie Beiersdorfer: Phone: 234- 201-8007 or E-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________ FREEDOM FROM TOXIC FRACKING WASTE: CONCERNED CITIZENS ANNOUNCE A NATIONAL RALLY DAY Youngstown, Ohio, August 9, 2012 – NEOGAP (Network for Oil & Gas Accountability & Protection, www.NEOGAP.org ) and Frackfree America National Coalition (www.frackfreeamerica.org ) are coordinating a national grassroots rally day on September 12, 2012 to help raise public awareness of what the groups believe are serious risks to public health, safety, and well-being posed by the millions of gallons of toxic fracking waste continually produced by the shale gas and oil drilling industry. The title of the September 12th nationwide event is: “Freedom from Toxic Fracking Waste: National Rally Day.” On September 12, 2012 a national coalition of local coordinators and groups in communities across America will hold simultaneous rallies throughout the day to shine light on the numerous problems associated with toxic fracking waste and its disposal, including its links to earthquakes, spills, and leaks. According to geologist Susie Beiersdorfer of Frackfree America National Coalition and Frackfree Mahoning Valley, “The public is not being fully or adequately informed of the risks of fracking and related processes to public health and safety and well-being. We are calling for increased transparency and public awareness about the truth of toxic fracking waste, which can contain naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and numerous toxic chemicals or known carcinogens, like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX), that could find their way into drinking water sources or into soil and air via leaks, surface spills near waterways, or well casing failures.” The groups believe that the rosy picture of drilling for oil and gas painted by slick, expensive radio and television advertisements by the gas and oil industry does not represent the real experiences of many everyday concerned citizens who live near injection wells or along the routes where fracking waste is, or will be, transported and possibly spilled. The groups say that there are too many unanswered questions about fracking waste, partially because gas and oil companies are exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act. According to the coalition, every newly permitted fracking well will result in millions of gallons of toxic fracking wastewater being created, transported, and disposed of somewhere. Although the fracking waste is frequently referred to by the industry or others as “brine,” “saltwater,” or “produced water,” the groups believe that these euphemistic terms are highly misleading and give the public a false sense of reassurance about the alleged safety of the fracking waste. “The truth is that the risks imposed by the production, transport, and disposal of toxic fracking waste are creating a serious public health problem. Toxic fracking waste can expose the public to a number of chemical and radioactive carcinogens, neurotoxins, and pulmonary and cardiovascular toxins. Children, whose immune systems are still developing, workers on drill sites, and those handling toxic fracking wastes are especially vulnerable to risks as are persons living or working near drilling sites, along toxic fracking disposal routes or at or near toxic fracking waste injection wells, ” said Vanessa Pesec of NEOGAP. FANC and NEOGAP cite a Columbus, Ohio news story that illustrates how not knowing the components of fracking waste can put communities and first responders at unnecessary risk. They ask: How can cities and townships effectively prepare for an emergency when they don’t know what the substance is that they are dealing with? The groups say that even though the following news story is from Columbus, Ohio, the news report is relevant for all of the many states who face the possibility or present reality of fracking, which will result in the need to transport and dispose of waste, thereby increasing the chance for spills and leaks. See the following highly informative NBC 4 news video and report titled “NBC4 Investigates: What’s In The Drilling Waste Water Traveling Into Ohio?” (5/23/2012). http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/may/23/nbc4-investigates-whats-drilling-waste-water-trave-ar-1047008/ For media inquiries or for more information on fracking and related processes, toxic fracking waste, or how to coordinate or participate in a local rally, please sign up for free e-mail updates on the NEOGAP and Frackfree America National Coalition websites and/ or contact us by phone, website, Facebook, twitter, or e-mail: On Facebook: www.facebook.com/Frackfree and www.facebook.com/Neogap.org Facebook EVENT page: http://www.facebook.com/events/514330835247580/ For NEOGAP: e-mail: [email protected] or call: 440-940-OGAP (6427) http://www.neogap.org/neogap/events/nationwiderallyday-freedomfromtoxicfrackwaste/ For Frackfree America National Coalition e-mail: [email protected] or call: 234-201-8007 http://www.frackfreeamerica.org/national-day-of-action.html # # # DOWNLOAD Small Flier to print > click here for Word Doc version < |
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