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Riffe Center
30th Floor
77 S. High St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6117
Governor Kasich, Mr. Zehringer, Mr. DeWine:
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has recently granted CNX Gas Co., LLC a permit to drill a hydrofracking well in Mahoning County, known as the Cadle Well, MAHN-7, on Blott Road, in Jackson Twp. This
well lies within the protected Meander River watershed which is the source of drinking water for Youngstown,
Niles and numerous other communities within Mahoning and Trumbull Counties.
The undersigned organizations and residents of Mahoning County strenuously object to this permit due to CNX
Gas Co. LLC’s horrid record of environmental violations related to its hydrofracking activities in the State of
Pennsylvania. These violations include the following:
Violation Details - Source: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
CNX Gas Co., LLC (since Jan. 2009) UPDATE: CNX Gas Co., LLC's Department of Environmental
Protection in Pennsylvania's record: Grand Total of Inspections: 76; Inspections With Violations: 76; Violations: 148; Enforcements: 82; Wells Inspected: 61. Inspections from 1/1/2008 to 3/3/2013
Apr 21st, 2008: Code: 201F - Failure to notify DEP, landowner, political subdivision, or coal owner 24 hrs prior
to commencement of drilling
Feb 5th, 2010: Code: 78.56PITCNST - Impoundment not structurally sound, impermeable, 3rd party protected,
greater than 20’’ of seasonal high ground water table
Jun 23rd, 2009: Code: 402POTNLPOLL - There is a potential for polluting substance(s) reaching Waters of the
Commonwealth and may require a permit.
Jan 19th, 2010: Code: 401CAUSEPOLL - Polluting substance(s) allowed to discharge into Waters of the Commonwealth.
Jan 14th, 2010: Code: 78.56FRBRD - Failure to maintain 2’ freeboard in an impoundment by handling materials that create a danger of pollution.
Dec 9th, 2010: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Dec 9th, 2010: Code: 78.56PITCNST - Impoundment not structurally sound, impermeable, 3rd party protected,
greater than 20’’ of seasonal high ground water table
Jan 9th, 2012: Code: 401CSL - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth.
Jan 9th, 2012: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Nov 16th, 2011: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent
pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Nov 16th, 2011: Code: 402CSL - Failure to adopt pollution prevention measures required or prescribed by DEP
by handling materials that create a danger of pollution.
Jul 5th, 2011: Code: 301CSL - Stream discharge of IW, includes drill cuttings, oil, brine and/or silt
Jul 5th, 2011: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent pollution
of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Nov 30th, -0001: Code: 212CMPLRPT - Failure to submit completion report within 30 days of completion of well
Oct 27th, 2011: Code: 78.83GRNDWTR - Improper casing to protect fresh groundwater
Apr 6th, 2012: Code: 401CLS - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth.
Apr 6th, 2012: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Apr 6th, 2012: Code: 401CLS - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth.
Mar 12th, 2012: Code: 102.4NOPLAN - No E&S plan developed, plan not on site
Mar 12th, 2012: Code: 102.11 - Failure to design, implement or maintain BMPs to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation.
Mar 12th, 2012: Code: 102.4NOPLAN - No E&S plan developed, plan not on site
Jan 25th, 2012: Code: SWMA301 - Failure to properly store, transport, process or dispose of a residual waste.
Jan 25th, 2012: Code: 78.54 - Failure to properly control or dispose of industrial or residual waste to prevent pollution of the waters of the Commonwealth.
Nov 30th, -0001: Code: 401CSL - Discharge of pollultional material to waters of Commonwealth.
(The agency releases well data semi-annually, so the records in the application represent wells in the system from
January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012. Gas production totals and days represent activity during that period. The application also reflects violations reported from Jan. 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012 on any wells that were active during the first half of this year.)
We expect you as governor and the state agencies you oversee to provide leadership in protecting the well-being
of Ohio’s communities and citizens from the irresponsible and potentially deadly practices of companies like
CNX. You can demonstrate your leadership in this instance and concern for all Ohio citizens by directing ODNR
to revoke CNX’s drilling permit.
concerned citizens of Mahoning County, Ohio
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Read more about the Cadle - MAHN7AHSU well (located in drinking water source protection area for the MVSD [Mahoning Valley Sanitary District] ): Longitude 41.074312 , Latitude - 80.882643