Help village of Brookfield, OH, the state of Ohio, and the entire region by sending in your objections &/or comments to stop 3 more fracking waste injection wells.
Due Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - emailed or postmarked.
For full consideration, all comments & objections must be received by ODNR (Ohio Department of Natural Resources), in writing (snail mail or email).
Three separate emails:
Permit Application aPATT031638 (SWIW #38)(Highland Brookfield #4)
Permit Application aPATT031639 (SWIW #39) (Highland Brookfield #3)
Permit Application aPATT031640 (SWIW #40) (Highland Brookfield #2)
Each application for permit must be commented upon in a separate email. So citizens will be sending three separate emails with comments. They can be the same comments but sent separately.
And PLEASE - everyone needs to know how many people sent in objections, so please, everyone post a copy of their emailed comment or letter to the Event page here:
Or email a copy to [email protected]
Or in Comment to this NOTE:
Thank you!
A hearing by ODNR regarding these 3 well permits is required if the chief considers an objection to be relevant to issues of public health or safety or good conservation practices, or to have substance, according to the Ohio Administrative Code, ORC 1501:9-3-06 H (2) (a)
Some points to remember:
Each of the five holes will be drilled to a depth of 8,750 feet; the wells will only be cased to a depth of 7,600 feet. That would make the injection zone 1,150 feet thick. Each well will also be fracked.
Now imagine having 5 wells all drilled to 8,750, cased to only 7,600 feet. All 5 will be fracked. IF approved by ODNR, all 5 will be permitted to operate at the same injection pressure of 1750 pounds per square inch.
Reply to application question #25 states that there are wetlands, but there is nothing in the application on how these wetlands will be protected. Think of the nearby (ten miles away) Vienna facility which destroyed two wetlands.
Use all three addresses in each of your emails.
[email protected]
Adam Schroeder
Public Information Officer
Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
2045 Morse Road, Building F-3
Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693
[email protected]
Steven Irwin
Public Information Officer
Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
2045 Morse Road, Building F-3
Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693
[email protected]
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management
2045 Morse Road, Building F-2
Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693
Each application for permit must be commented upon in a separate email. So citizens will be sending three separate emails with comments. They can be the same comments but sent separately.
Re: Permit Application aPATT031638 (Then send another comment letter for 39 and 40)
BACKGROUND on these 5 proposed wells: [Keep in mind that none of the 5 have been drilled yet. None of the 5 have received a permit to inject yet either.]
LIVE MAP w/ coordinates of 5 well locations (also has links to current Ohio Department of Natural Resources[ODNR] status of each proposed well - and the one abandoned well):
Ohio Senate Bill 50:
SEE image below of the first of five days of public notice for further details - they were published in Tribune Chronicle, Warren OH
VIEW/download public notice advertisements enlarged here
NOTE EXTENSION WAS GIVEN but NOT made public - due to well owners giving wrong phone number for ODNR:
Coverage via News On The Green, Brookfield, OH: or Comment on their facebook Page.
Coverage via Tribune Chronicle, Warren OH:
Coverage by WFMJ, Youngstown:
The Vindicator article can read at