Hours: MON - FRI 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - FREE
Call for More Info: 330.941.3627
[hours apply when the university is open]
599 Wick Ave,
Youngstown State University,
Youngstown, OH 44503
Bliss Hall Gallery: http://web.ysu.edu/contentm/easy_pages/view.php?page_id=67&sid=21&menu_id=280
Youngstown University has organized the following programs in support of the exhibition:
CAMPUS MAP: http://www.csis.ysu.edu/~jdittric/6961/assign1/map.htm
• Tuesday, 25 March, 7-9 p.m. | Moser Hall Room 2000 | TITLE: The Science of Shale Gas: Geology, Seismology and Environmental Impacts. Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, Professor of Geology, Youngstown State University
• Wednesday, 26 March, 7-9 p.m. | Moser Hall Room 2000 | TITLE: The science of shale gas: The latest evidence on leaky wells, methane emissions, and implications for policy. | Dr. Anthony R. Ingraffea, Ph.D., P.E., Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, Cornell University
• Thursday, 27 March, 5-9 p.m. | Gallery Talk / Gallery Reception | Bliss Hall Room 2300 | RECEPTION/GALLERY TALK: Brian Cohen, Photographer and Project Director of the Marcellus Shale Documentary Project.
• Friday, 28 March, 4-5:30 p.m. | McDonough Museum Lecture Hall | FREE SCREENING: Triple Divide (film with Mark Ruffalo, Melissa Troutman).
CONTACT: Professor Stephen Chalmers | [email protected]
MEDIA coverage:
Vindicator (Youngstown, Ohio), March 3, 2014, video
ABOUT MSDP: http://the-msdp.us
Entire MSDP archive - 5 pages, many images: http://the-msdp.us/archive
ABOUT the artists:
Noah Addis http://www.noahaddis.com/#!/blog
Brian Cohen http://www.briancohenphotography.com/?p=751
Nina Berman http://www.ninaberman.com/fractured-the-shale-play
Also See: http://ninaberman.wordpress.com/2011/04/12/fracking-in-pennsylvania-a-first-look/
Scott Goldsmith http://scottgoldsmith.com/Galleries/After-the-Frack/1/thumbs/
Martha Rial http://martharial.com/
Lynn Johnson http://lynnjohnsonphoto.com/
Photo album of the show being installed HERE (public album, no account required): http://t.co/wqLQDuSUAG